The University’s ChargePoint electric car charging stations located at the Clark Library and LP Tennis Center parking lots have been well used. The public safety office is updating the station rules to ensure that the charging stations are accessible and rotating effectively for all UP student, faculty, and staff electric car owners. Starting on January […]
Public Safety
Welcome Back and Be Safe, Please
With the beginning of the spring 2020 semester, the public safety office asks that faculty, staff, and students keep the following safety precautions in mind, according to marketing and communications vice president Michael Lewellen: Be mindful of your surroundings and report any unusual or suspicious activity to public safety. Carry your student, staff or faculty […]
St. Anthony, Public Safety: What Was Lost Now is Found
All faculty, staff, and students are reminded that the public safety office maintains an official lost and found in their main office in Haggerty Hall. If St. Anthony hasn’t pointed you in the right direction it never hurts to check there for lost items. The office is open 24/7 so seekers can visit any time. […]
Annual Security and Fire Report Available Now
In compliance with the Campus Crime Reporting Act and the amended Higher Education Opportunity Act, the University of Portland’s Annual Security and Fire Report was published and made available to all members of the University community, and to prospective students and employees. According to public safety director Sara Westbrook, the report includes statistics for the previous three […]
New Public Safety Director: Sara Westbrook
The Division of Student Affairs welcomes Sara Westbrook as the new director of the Department of Public Safety. Westbrook comes to UP with over 33 years of law enforcement experience, with 25 served in the Portland Police Bureau. She served as Commander of the Central Precinct, East Precinct, and the Transit Police Division. Westbrook is […]
Farewell Party for Gerry Gregg, June 26
All University community members are invited to wish public safety director Gerry Greg a fond farewell on Wednesday, June 26, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., in the Pilot House. Gerry is retiring at the end of the month. Please come by and offer your personal thanks for all that he and the Department of Public […]
Clery Act Information Request: Please Report by May 31
To comply with federal law, specifically the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the University of Portland is required to report “statistics concerning the occurrence of the following criminal offenses reported to local police agencies, or to any official of the institution who has significant responsibility for student and […]
Tri-Met Passes No Longer Available at Public Safety
For many years, the University has been able to sell Tri-Met bus and light rail passes through the Office of Public Safety, including subsidized monthly passes. Unfortunately, due to the imposition of new federal taxes on transportation discounts and changes in Tri-Met administrative processes, we can no longer offer this benefit to our students, faculty, […]
Your Feel-Good Story For Today: Kitten Rescue!
A report from Heidi Keller, financial aid: “Today when Janet Turner and I went out for our walk, we bumped into another University of Portland employee (I wish I knew his name), and he said “Hey, look at that kitten under the car.” When we looked the kitten had climbed up into the engine compartment. […]
Campus Parking, Fall 2018
With the coming of fall semester, students will be returning to campus, and many will be living off campus and commuting to their classes. As in past years, parking at the University is very limited. This fall, commuters will find the parking availability further stressed. Construction of Dundon-Berchtold Hall will limit parking along the main entryway […]