The human resources office will host a lunch hour session on “Holiday Stress,” presented by Cascade Centers EAP, in the Beauchamp Recreation & Wellness Center classroom on Tuesday, December 13, from noon to 1 p.m. The presentation will be just in time for the busy and often stressful holiday season. Join us! For more information […]
Human Resources
Last Day for Open Enrollment: Thurs., Dec. 1
Thursday, December 1 is the final day for employees to submit information for 2017 health care benefits. The Open Enrollment Tool and the FSA Enrollment Form are available on the HR website. To access these resources, visit You must confirm or change your healthcare coverage by selecting “Open Enrollment Tool.” When you access the Open […]
Tuition Remission Reminder
Employees are reminded that Spring 2017 tuition remission requests are due by November 15 in order to avoid late charges on students’ accounts. There are separate application forms for undergraduate course work and graduate courses. A tuition remission summary is also available on the HR website at this link. For more information, stop by the HR offices on the […]
Open Enrollment: Now Until Dec. 1
The human resources office would like to remind all employees that the annual Open Enrollment period ends on Thursday, December 1, 2016, at 3 p.m. All employees are required to confirm or change their healthcare benefits by logging in to the Open Enrollment Tool. If you are electing Share the Savings for 2017, you will also need to […]
Save the Date: Staff Christmas Luncheon, Dec. 19
Please mark your calendars for the annual Staff Christmas Luncheon, which will be held on Monday, December 19. The social opens at 11:30 a.m., seating starts at 12:15 p.m., and the formal program begins at 12:45 p.m. This year’s luncheon will be held in the Beauchamp Recreation and Wellness Center. All staff members are invited to connect […]
Nominations for Staff Awards – Last Call
There is still time to make your nominations for Staff Awards through Friday, November 4. Please make your nominations at this link. Winners will be announced at the Staff Christmas Luncheon on Monday, December 19. For more information, contact HR at
Open Enrollment Time: Nov. 2 through Dec. 1
The University’s 2017 open enrollment period runs from Wednesday, November 2 through Thursday, December 1 at 3 p.m. This is the time to either confirm or change medical and dental coverage, enroll in supplemental life insurance, and elect flexible spending accounts (FSA) for the coming calendar year. Come to the Wellness Fair on Thursday, November 3 from 10-1 in […]
On-Site Flu Shot Clinic, October 17
Faculty and staff who are covered by UP’s Kaiser insurance will have an opportunity to receive a flu vaccine sponsored by the human resources office on Monday, October 17, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Buckley Center room 106. Please remember to bring your Kaiser Permanente membership card and a photo I.D. For more […]
HR Supervisor Workshop, Oct. 21
The next Third Friday Supervisor Workshop will be held in the fifth floor conference room in Waldschmidt Hall on Friday, October 21, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. HR director Sandy Chung will lead the session, which will be focused on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) changes to the test for exempt status for employees. The […]
Next Third Friday Supervisor Training: Sept. 23
The next Third Friday Supervisor Training is scheduled for Friday, September 23, (which happens to be the fourth Friday in September) from 10 to 11 a.m., in the second floor conference room in the Clark Library. The topic of the training is “Recruitment Best Practices” and will focus on providing managers and supervisors with useful […]