The Provost’s office is pleased to announce recipients of the Spring 2018 Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research awards. These faculty members have been selected to collaborate with and mentor an undergraduate on a co-designed research experience during the 2018 spring semester: Ruth Dittrich, Economics: “Salmon recovery efforts in the Willamette River Basin. Will they withstand […]
Provost's Office
Final Core Curriculum Panel, Nov. 28
Please join us for our final panel focused on the skills, values, and content of an excellent undergraduate education. The Core Curriculum Panel takes place on Tuesday, November 28, 6:30-8 p.m., and includes University leaders from across the country. Please RSVP here. For more information, contact Lauretta Frederking, associate provost, at x7848 or
Scholarly Activity Portal Always Ready For Faculty Input
The Scholarly Activity Portal is always ready for faculty input on PilotsUP under the “Academics” tab. Faculty members are encouraged to update their scholarly activity as it occurs; the portal offers a one-stop opportunity to update recent activity. Faculty members will download the report for their school and send the PDF copy of the report […]
University Club Returns Oct. 26
The University Club–the event, not the place–returns on Thursday, October 26, beginning at 4 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons Board Room. Please mark your calendars now to join in a fall celebration of community. For more information contact Kathleen Staten, provost’s office, at 7105 or
Undergraduate Research Protocol
The Provost’s office would like to remind all faculty members conducting collaborative research with undergraduates fall semester that the Deans Council approved a uniform, University-wide protocol for all undergraduate research projects. A list of the items required each semester as part of the protocol can always be found in the Undergraduate Research section of the […]
34 New Faculty Members Join UP
The University of Portland welcomes 34 new faculty members to The Bluff as they began new faculty orientation on Tuesday, August 22. The day-long orientation introduced the new faculty to the University’s resources, traditions, and culture with sessions on teaching and learning, scholarship, faith and formation, and service and leadership. Get to know our new […]
Please Load Scholarly Activity On The Portal
Faculty members are reminded to load their scholarly activity on the portal in PilotsUP. Data obtained through the portal will be used to populate A Community of Scholars, published by the provost’s office. That data will also be used for the Clark Library’s annual celebration of UP authors. Faculty members use their school’s report on the […]
Retiring Faculty Ceremony, April 19
The following faculty members have announced their retirement at the conclusion of the spring 2017 semester, according to Kathleen Staten, provost’s office: Matthew Baasten, associate provost, dean of the Graduate School, theology faculty Carol Craig, nursing Wayne Lu, engineering James Male, engineering Zia Yamayee, engineering The late Fr. Ronald Wasowski, C.S.C., who would have retired […]
Founders’ Day: Tuesday, April 11
The University’s annual Founders’ Day celebration will take place on Tuesday, April 11. Four sessions of student presentations will be held in place of regularly scheduled classes, and all students and faculty are encouraged take part in the day’s events, featuring senior presentations, undergraduate research, panel discussions, recitals, and more. Classes scheduled to begin after […]
Bulletin Updates Due March 20
Faculty and staff members who are tasked with updating their departmental and office information in the 2017-2018 University Bulletin need to submit changes to reviewers by Monday, March 20, according to Tom Greene, provost. Course changes and descriptions are handled by the registrar’s office; this deadline is for narrative sections of the Bulletin, for example, program descriptions […]