The next meeting of the Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group will be held on Friday, November 9, at 3:30 p.m., in the Murphy Room, according to Norah Martin. The group will be discussing “Seeing is Believing: What Flannery O’Connor Meant by ‘Vision” by Cassandra Nelson, “Practice Makes Reception: The Role of Contemplative Ritual in […]
Annual UP Month of Remembrance
Catholics believe in the Communion of Saints—the spiritual connection with those loved ones who have gone before us and the saints that lived as examples for us. Through the month of November we remember all of those who have gone before us in faith, especially our loved ones who have died. Campus Ministry invites the […]
Women in Leadership Forum Featuring Renee Eaton, Nov. 7
The Women in Leadership Forum connects UP students with dynamic women who are leaders in the greater Portland community. The Forum is a place for sharing stories, building connections, and supporting the development of women in leadership. Join us for the second installment of the series, featuring Renee Eaton, CEO of RapidMade, on Wednesday, November 7, at […]
Could You, Perchance, Use A Night Out?
University parents are invited to take the opportunity to enjoy four hours of free time with their significant others while the Vermont Hills Family Life Center daycare/preschool watches their children on Parents Night Out, Friday, November 9, from 6-10 p.m. The cost is $40 for one child or $50 for two kids or more, and […]
November Mass of Remembrance: Sunday, Nov. 11
During the month of November, the Catholic Church traditionally remembers our beloved departed. We pray for the souls of our family and friends and give thanks for how we were blessed by their lives. Here at UP, we celebrate a Mass of Remembrance for all deceased members of the University community, particularly those who passed away […]
TLC Tip of the Week: Instructional Designers
Have you ever worked with an instructional designer to improve a course? According to a recent study released by Inside Higher Ed, the chances are good that you haven’t. Fewer than half of faculty participants in the study have experience working with instructional designers, but those who have reported that they “overwhelmingly appreciated the experience” – a full 93 […]
Meet Our New Faculty Members
This week, the Office of the Provost is pleased to introduce three more new faculty members: Jodine Blankenship, instructor, School of Nursing Fr. James King, C.S.C., instructor of theology Nermine Ramadan, visiting instructor of mathematics. Visit the 2018 New Faculty Profiles page and get to know all our new faculty members.
Staff Award Nominations: Submit by Nov. 8
Every year at the Christmas luncheon for staff members, the University presents four staff awards: Rev. Charles Miltner, C.S.C. Award: Awarded to employees who have been of exemplary and outstanding service to the University. This is University of Portland’s highest award and includes all categories of staff employees. Margaret Henzi Award: Awarded to administrative or office support […]
Learn to Row With Pasha Spencer-Levitan, Nov. 10
Head women’s rowing coach Pasha Spencer-Levitan will offer a free rowing class to faculty and staff on Saturday, November 10, from 8 to 10 a.m., at the the UP boathouse on Vancouver Lake (8612 NW Erwin O Rieger Memorial Highway, Vancouver, WA 98660). Please allow yourself 30 minutes to drive to the boathouse. If transportation is needed, […]
New Course Pack Ordering, Printing Process
Printing and mailing services and the UP bookstore are partnering for the purchase of course packs, worksheets, lab manuals, and other class materials. This new process goes into effect for apring term orders and is meant to streamline processes. Faculty will still send their requests to Printing services will now submit all materials to be […]