The bookstore will be closed on Thursday, July 3 for annual maintenance, according to manager Erin Bright. Those who need to make a department charge on that day are asked to please call the bookstore at 7125. A staff member should be available from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Staffing will be subject to change, […]
Tuition Remission Applications Due July 1
Faculty and staff applications for tuition remission will only be accepted via online forms and can be accessed through the human resources website at, according to Bryn Sopko, human resources. The HR office will no longer accept paper forms. In addition to easier access, HR has updated the application dates for remission to match […]
Independence Day Holiday
The Independence Day holiday will be observed for University employees on Friday, July 4, according to the 2014 University holiday schedule ( Classes will not be held and University offices will be closed. For more information, contact human resources at 8981 or
Faculty, Staff Invited To Reunion Weekend, June 26-29
Faculty and staff members are encouraged to join the hundreds of alumni who return to campus to participate in the annual Alumni Reunion. A special registration form for faculty and staff is available online, and those who would like to attend are asked to fill out the form as soon as possible. Reunion will take […]
Campus Main Entry Update
The main Willamette Boulevard entry will be open to incoming traffic at all times during this summer’s repaving project. The entrance drive is currently a one-way gravel road on the left side of the drive. At the end of the entrance, drivers may turn into the main parking lot or go left to access other […]
2014-2015 Bulletin Online
The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce that the 2014-2015 interactive University Bulletin is now available. Please access the document by opening the “Academics” menu on the University’s home page and clicking on “University Catalog: The Bulletin” or by using Smartphone users can access the Bulletin using its mobile site at For more […]
Student Photo Shows, BC Gallery
Students enrolled in the first summer session Intro to Black and White Photo class will be hanging their images in Buckley Center Gallery from now until July 30, according to Pat Bognar, performing and fine arts. After July 30 the next group of students will hang their images. Everyone is invited to stop by and […]
TIAA-CREF Financial Counseling Sessions, June 25-27
TIAA-CREF investment counselor Yasemin Under will be on campus for individual financial counseling sessions with employees June 25, 26, and 27 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sessions will be held in the career services conference room (#101) in Orrico Hall. Go to or call TIAA-CREF at (877) 842-2028, press 5 to schedule a one hour […]
Let’s Talk Tech
Information services has announced the launch of Tech Talk (, a monthly online news blog. Tech Talk features articles about new tools and technology, spotlights on existing IS programs and services, security tips, and important technology trends. Tech Talk is the place to learn about news and important information from IS. This month, learn about […]
Wednesday Ticket Happy Hour
Every Wednesday between June 18 and August 13, from 2 to 3 p.m., the Pilots box office will be running a “Happy Hour” with exclusive ticket deals for the upcoming 2014 men’s and women’s soccer seasons. The next Happy Hour will be Wednesday, June 25, featuring a Youth Team Experience Pack: Fan Tunnel. Ticket holders […]