Complimentary Faculty/Staff Tickets to Reunion 2019, June 27-30
Faculty and staff are encouraged to join the hundreds of alumni who return to campus to participate in the annual Alumni Reunion Weekend, June 27-30. This year we’ll be celebrating Salzburg, Entrepreneur Scholars, and the Classes of 1969 and 1999! All events are free for faculty and staff. Enter promo code FACSTAFF at up.edu/reunion.
We’ll kick-off the weekend on Friday with the President’s Alumni Awards Gala, where we will be honoring our alumni award winners: Cathryn Casey ’19, Molly Craft Johnson ’13, Margarita Bautista Gay ’87, and Mike Irwin ’78. This year, we celebrate the Class of 1969, Class of 1999, and all other classes ending in 4 and 9.
Saturday features the annual community-wide Pilot Pride 5k, with proceeds benefitting the XC program. Our signature Welcome Home BBQ will take place on the Academic Quad starting at 5:30 p.m. Saturday evening with music, a beer garden, and kiddie funland.
For more information, go to up.edu/reunion or contact the Office of Alumni & Parent Relations at x7328 or alumni@up.edu with questions.
Please Load Scholarly Activity On The Portal
Faculty members are reminded to load their scholarly activity on the portal in PilotsUP by May 31, 2019. Data obtained through the portal will be used to populate A Community of Scholars, published by the provost’s office. Faculty members use their school’s report on the home tab of the Scholarly Activity Portal to send the data to their respective deans as a part of annual self-evaluation.
You can find the link to the Scholarly Activity Portal in the Academic menu of PilotsUP or you can go directly to https://pilotsclassic.up.edu/group/main/scholarly-activity.
The Scholarly Activity Portal will retain the “Pilots Classic” look until July 2019, when it will fully transition the new PilotsUP. You will have to enter your username and password to login to the Scholarly Activity Portal until July 2019.
For any questions about uses of the portal, please contact John Orr (orr@up.edu); for questions about how to use the tool, please contact Michele Leasor (leasor@up.edu).
Faculty/Staff Weightlifting Class: Feel the Burn!
The Beauchamp Center is offering a Faculty/Staff Intro to Weightlifting course this summer from a certified Level 1 USA Olympic Weightlifting instructor, according to Kailin Bourne, recreational services. Classes will be geared towards learning the basics of weightlifting and building general strength. There will be four sessions in June and four sessions in July. All classes will take place on Tuesdays in the Beauchamp weight room from 7:15 to 8:15 a.m., beginning on June 4. Please register at https://recservices.up.edu, as spaces are limited.
Please also check out the new class on our fitness schedule for Summer Session no. 1. All classes are open to faculty and staff. Classes include: yoga, cycling, cardio kickboxing, Zumba and Sweaty 20.
Fiscal Year Ends June 30: Important Dates, Reminders
The University’s fiscal year ends on Thursday, June 30, and there are some important dates and reminders to note:
- Expenses submitted prior to June 30 which are for travel or events occurring in fiscal year 2020 will be accrued, and paid against the fiscal year 2020 budget.
- Reimbursement and Payment Request forms to be paid against the fiscal year 2019 budget need to be submitted to the controller’s office no later than Friday, July 12.
- All goods and services purchased must be received by June 30. Any deliveries received after June 30 will be charged to the fiscal year 2020 budget.
For more information on all fiscal year-end procedures see “Fiscal Year-End Procedures” on the Controller’s Office webpage, or contact Lori Watson at x7393 or duax@up.edu.
Writing Assistance Available for Summer Sessions
The Writing Center—where students in all disciplines can find help at any stage of the writing process—is open during both summer sessions in the Learning Commons, BC 163. To book a 30- or 60- minute session with a writing assistant, please email their hotline, Writing@up.edu , including the times and days you are available to meet with a tutor, and someone will get back to you to schedule an appointment. Happy writing!
Clery Act Information Request: Please Report by May 31
To comply with federal law, specifically the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the University of Portland is required to report “statistics concerning the occurrence of the following criminal offenses reported to local police agencies, or to any official of the institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities: murder, sex offenses, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft,” according to Gerald Gregg, public safety. In 2015, the Violence Against Women Act added dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking to the list of crimes that must be reported. The University must also report any of these offenses that were hate crimes, as well as any other hate crimes that may have resulted in bodily injury or fear of bodily injury.
For the purposes of the Clery Act, the law broadly defines campus security officials as an employee of the institution who “has significant responsibility for student and campus activities.” Pastoral or professional counselors are exempt from reporting these crimes. Yet, in the interest of providing a more complete picture of campus crimes, pastoral and professional counselors may voluntarily share information with security/police to include in the statistics. You do not need to identify the victim.
If you are not exempt from reporting and are aware of any crimes that occurred from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018 that were not reported to law enforcement, the Health Center, Campus Ministry, or the public safety department, it is important you forward that information to Gregg no later than May 31, 2019.
Please include the location of the incident, and it would be very helpful to provide the date of the incident. In addition, a brief description of the incident is needed so it can be properly classified following guidelines established by the FBI Uniform Crime Report program. A Crime Statistic Report Form and the Crime Definitions that should be used to report the incidents can be found here and here.
If you have any questions about this request, or if you would like to discuss the specifics about an incident, please contact Gregg at x7161 or via e-mail to gregg@up.edu.
TIAA Representative Visit, May 28-30
A representative from TIAA, which administers the University’s retirement accounts, will be on campus for financial counseling sessions on May 28, 29, and 30, according to Laura Barnard, human resources. Appointments with Rebecca Rohleder (pictured) are available during work hours on those days in the Career Center in Orrico Hall. Schedule your appointment today at www.tiaa-cref.org/schedulenow or by calling TIAA at 877.842.2028 (press 5 to schedule an appointment). This will be the last TIAA campus visit until school resumes in September.
Please email benefits@up.edu with questions.
Summer Undergraduate Research Protocol Reminder
The Provost’s office would like to remind all faculty members conducting collaborative research with undergraduates this summer that the Deans Council approved a uniform, University-wide protocol for all undergraduate research projects. A list of the items required each semester as part of the protocol can always be found in the Undergraduate Research section of the PilotsUP Forms page. The same information is listed below. Any student receiving a stipend or credit for an undergraduate research project at UP is expected to complete the protocol and faculty members are responsible for informing students of this expectation.
- Learning Agreement This form is completed by both the faculty member and student and needs to be completed only once for each project. The faculty member must complete their portion of this online form first and the student will be sent an email notifying them to complete their portion.
- Responsible Conduct in Research Training New users will need to create a CITI account and affiliate with University of Portland during the registration process to access the course. After creating an account the user must select the appropriate Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) course from the UP course selection menu. Both faculty members and students must complete CITIs RCR course, if they have not done so at a previous time.
- Pre-Experience Survey To be completed by the student during the first week of the project. Only one Pre-Experience Survey is needed for the duration of the project, even if it spans multiple semesters.
- Post-Experience Survey To be completed by the student during the last week of the project each semester.
- Post-Experience Evaluation To be completed by the faculty member at the conclusion of the project each semester.
If you have any questions about this process, please contact John Orr (orr@up.edu) in the Office of Undergraduate Scholarly Engagement.
Writing Assistance Available for Summer Sessions
The Writing Center—where students in all disciplines can find help at any stage of the writing process—is open during both summer sessions in the Learning Commons, BC 163. To book a 30- or 60- minute session with a writing assistant, please email their hotline, Writing@up.edu , including the times and days you are available to meet with a tutor, and someone will get back to you to schedule an appointment. Happy writing!