The University of Portland held a remote Commencement ceremony for 2020 undergraduate and graduate degree recipients on Sunday, May 3, 2020. The entire ceremony can be viewed on YouTube using this link.
Plans Underway For Fall 2020 Term
Though many key restrictions across the state of Oregon in response to the COVID-19 pandemic are currently still in place, the University of Portland is planning for an in-person start to the fall 2020 term, according to University president Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C. In a video message distributed to faculty, staff, and current students, […]
Finalists For University Provost: Please Participate in Virtual Forums
University president Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C., has announced the final stages of the search for the next provost. From a field of over 300 interested individuals, the Provost Search Committee has worked diligently to select the following three finalists for the provost position: Herbert A. Medina, Ph.D., dean of the College of Arts & […]
Weekly Webinar for Health Care Providers
The School of Nursing is hosting a weekly webinar for health care providers on the front lines. Each week, we focus on a different self-care topic, method, or conversation. Attendees are directed to watch the 30-minute self-care video on the School of Nursing page before attending. The Health Care Self Care series is an offering from […]
Extraordinary Measures: 1948 Graduation
With the unusual circumstances surrounding the 2020 Commencement exercises, the staff of the University Archives and Museum looked through archive files for other commencement interruptions. We found one, in 1948. Visit this site for the full story. For more information, contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, at
Blanchet Gold Medal Award: Another Museum Treasure!
Recently the Student Affairs Division announced winners of the 2019-20 Student Leadership Awards. Congratulations to all of the honored recipients! Did you know the University Museum has one of the University’s oldest student awards (over 100 years old!) in its collection? Click here for photos and a description of the Blanchet Gold Medal award.
Pilot Venture Challenge 2020 Results: New Name, New Format, New Winners!
It was a year of firsts for The Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation’s annual venture pitch competition. This year the event launched with a new name. Formerly known as the $100K Challenge, it has been rebranded as The Pilot Venture Challenge. The other first was a move to holding the competition as a […]
2020 “Writers” Magazine: Ready For Readers
The 2020 volume of our campus’s student-made creative writing journal, Writers magazine, made it into print just before campus shut down, according to Lars Larson, English. This year’s edition explores the theme of “Where I’m From,” beginning with a poem by Owen Klinger, and moving through stories, illustrations, verse, essays, and photographs that articulate where […]
Moodle Downtime, Fall Course Availability
The academic technology services and innovation office has scheduled a brief downtime for Moodle upgrades on Friday, May 8, from 9 to 10 a.m. We’ll be getting the latest Moodle fixes in place and getting Moodle ready for an online summer semester! Also, the course creation process for fall semester is underway and should be […]