TIAA investment counselor Rebecca Rohleder will be on campus for individual financial counseling sessions with University employees on Wednesday, February 1 and Thursday, February 2, according to Nicole Bresnahan, human resources. She will be available to meet with employees in the Orrico Hall Conference Room. These sessions are available to any employee and appointments can be […]
Nicole Bresnahan
Last Day for Open Enrollment: Thurs., Dec. 1
Thursday, December 1 is the final day for employees to submit information for 2017 health care benefits. The Open Enrollment Tool and the FSA Enrollment Form are available on the HR website. To access these resources, visit You must confirm or change your healthcare coverage by selecting “Open Enrollment Tool.” When you access the Open […]
Open Enrollment: Now Until Dec. 1
The human resources office would like to remind all employees that the annual Open Enrollment period ends on Thursday, December 1, 2016, at 3 p.m. All employees are required to confirm or change their healthcare benefits by logging in to the Open Enrollment Tool. If you are electing Share the Savings for 2017, you will also need to […]
Open Enrollment Time: Nov. 2 through Dec. 1
The University’s 2017 open enrollment period runs from Wednesday, November 2 through Thursday, December 1 at 3 p.m. This is the time to either confirm or change medical and dental coverage, enroll in supplemental life insurance, and elect flexible spending accounts (FSA) for the coming calendar year. Come to the Wellness Fair on Thursday, November 3 from 10-1 in […]
On-Site Flu Shot Clinic, October 17
Faculty and staff who are covered by UP’s Kaiser insurance will have an opportunity to receive a flu vaccine sponsored by the human resources office on Monday, October 17, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., in Buckley Center room 106. Please remember to bring your Kaiser Permanente membership card and a photo I.D. For more […]
UP Wellness Fair Coming Nov. 3
The UP Wellness Fair will take place on Thursday, November 3, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., according to Nicole Bresnahan, human resources. There are a limited number of openings for additional booths; please contact Bresnahan if you or a vendor you know are interested in joining the event. All vendors must be approved by the HR office. […]
Compensation Packages Ready for Employees
A summary of each employee’s compensation package is now available in Banner Self-Serve, according to Nicole Bresnahan, human resources. This personalized total compensation statement identifies direct and indirect compensation, and is intended to give a summary of the value of the benefits employees receive. The Total Comp Statement can be found by going to Employee> […]
Open Enrollment Ends Tuesday, Dec. 1
Tuesday, December 1 is the final day for employees to submit information for 2016 health care benefits. The Open Enrollment Tool and the FSA Enrollment Form are available on the HR website. To access these resources, visit You must confirm or change your healthcare coverage by selecting “Open Enrollment Tool.” When you access the […]
On-Site Flu Shot Clinic, Oct. 28
Faculty and staff who are covered by Kaiser insurance will have the opportunity to receive a flu vaccine sponsored by the human resources office on Wednesday, October 28, during the Wellness Fair in Franz Hall room 120. Please remember to bring a Kaiser Permanente membership card and a photo I.D. For more information contact Nicole […]