The Garaventa Center welcomes everyone to a free online lecture on Tuesday, October 20 at 5 p.m: “Mother Teresa: A Case Study in Christian Mental Health Stigma.” Here’s the Zoom Webinar link to join the live event, which is open to all. Mother Teresa’s diaries made public the saint’s struggle with intense sadness and sparked […]
Faith & Intellectual Life Discussion Group, Oct. 23: All Welcome!
The Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group will have its only meeting of the fall semester on Friday, October 23, 3:30 to 5 p.m., on Zoom, according to Norah Martin, philosophy. We will be discussing “Sacrifice, Race, and Indifference” from Send Lazarus: Catholicism and the Crisis of Neoliberalism by Matthew Eggemeier and Peter Fritz (Fordham […]
UP Internship & Job Expo, Oct. 26
The Career Center invites all business, humanities, and social sciences students to the UP Internship & Job Expo on Monday, October 26 from noon to 3 p.m. This event will take place virtually within the Handshake platform. Faculty who work with students in the Pamplin School of Business, or humanities and social sciences within the […]
Reminder: Oct. 16 Deadline for Butine Proposals
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) is accepting proposals for funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. The deadline is Friday, October 16. Late applications are not accepted. Information about the fund, instructions, and application materials are available on the Butine Moodle site. Faculty are encouraged to submit applications, while understanding that the […]
Invitation To Join Work Of The Title IX Team
As you may have seen recently in The Beacon, all members of the UP community are invited to attend Title IX Advisory Committee meetings. The work of preventing and responding to sexual and gender-based harassment, misconduct, and violence and the barriers to education they create, requires our entire community and cannot be the lone work […]
Latest COVID Updates From Fr. Mark
University president Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C., sent the following message to the UP community on Friday, October 2, with updates on the University’s COVID response and plans: I begin this message with a sentiment that I have expressed often in emails to the UP community: gratitude. I am grateful for your flexibility and understanding […]
New UP Policy: Workplace Fairness Act
The State of Oregon passed a law called the Workplace Fairness Act, and the President’s Leadership Cabinet has implemented a new University policy consistent with this law, according to Sandy Chung, human resources. This new policy is called the Addendum to Harassment and Discrimination Policies. All University employees are encouraged to review this policy. This […]
Latinx Heritage Month Speaker: Walter Thompson-Hernández, Oct. 8
The Diversity and Inclusion Programs will team with Portland Magazine to bring New York Times writer and UP alumnus Walter Thompson-Hernández to campus through a virtual presentation on Thursday, October 8, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. The event will consist of an hour-long presentation, followed by a 30-minute Q&A session. The talk will be free […]
UP Robotics Team Hosting Lessons
The University of Portland Robotics Team is hosting asynchronous Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) lessons which will be posted every other week, according to Stephanie Salomone, mathematics. Through this program, we aim to encourage more students to engage in STEM education and expand a love for STEM in kids in grades K-12. The UP […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Using Clark Library During Fall 2020
The Clark Library continues to support teaching and learning during remote instruction. For full details, please visit our Fall 2020 Library Services guide. Here are a few highlights: Borrow a laptop (for local users only). Perhaps your work laptop needs repair, or a student in your class indicates that their laptop stopped working. Visit the […]