Pilot Kids Camp registrations are still being accepted by the recreational services office for all sessions. The ever-popular camps offer games, arts and crafts, sports, and tons of fun for kids who will be in grades 1-6 in fall 2018. Camp runs 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. […]
Summer Course Packs (Were) Due April 20
All faculty and instructors must turn in their course pack materials for summer classes to the printing services office as soon as possible, as the deadline of April 20 has passed, according to Kassie Hansen, printing services. In addition, course packs for fall 2018 are due before leaving campus at the conclusion of spring semester. […]
2018 Retiring Faculty Ceremony, Reception: April 18
The following faculty members have announced their retirement at the conclusion of the spring 2018 semester, according to Kathleen Staten, provost’s office: Peter Thacker, education Rich Christen, education Khalid Khan, engineering Tisha Morrell, education Joane Moceri, nursing Mallie Kozy, nursing Susan Stillwell, nursing Karen Cameron, nursing Michael Connolly, performing and fine arts. A ceremony and […]
Columbia Sportswear Employee Store: You’re Invited!
All University employees are invited to shop at the Columbia Sportswear Employee Store from April 13 to May 6. Each employee can bring four guests to shop and can use the invitation multiple times during the date range listed above. The invitation can be found at this link. WHAT’S THERE AND WHAT ARE MY SAVINGS? The store […]
“Tartuffe” Pre-Play Panel and Reception, April 21
All ticket holders for the Saturday, April 21 performance of Tartuffe are invited to enjoy a complimentary wine, cheese and themed dessert reception before the show as campus experts highlight production details and the role of humor in this highly entertaining adaptation of the French classic. Co-sponsored by the Garaventa Center and the Beckman Humor Project, the […]
Celebrate Last Thirst Friday of the Year, April 20
All faculty and staff are invited to ring out the academic year with warm camaraderie and spark a few new ideas for next year while you’re at it. Don’t miss this last chance to come together with campus neighbors for lively conversation, tasty treats, and you guessed it – another tasting menu you never thought […]
“Prom Night 2018,” April 18: All Welcome!
Students will perform original comedies in Spanish, which they have adapted from four classic plays dating 1806-1933, on Wednesday, April 18, 5-6 p.m., in Mago Hunt Center, according to Lora Looney, international languages and cultures. All are welcome to attend. As part of the class Nation & Identity in Spanish Theater, students scripted one-act plays around […]
Faculty, Staff Family Climbing Session: April 21
The Outdoor Pursuits program is offering faculty and staff family climbing sessions in the Beauchamp Center on Saturday, April 21, from 3 to 5 p.m., according to Nathan Hingley, recreational services. The sessions are open to all UP staff and faculty who would like to spend time climbing with their families. All necessary age-appropriate equipment will […]
Last Fixit UP of 2017-2018: April 19
The College Ecology Club is hosting the last Fixit UP of the 2018 school year on Thursday, April 19, from 5-7 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. Fixit UP is an event where volunteers who like to fix things come together to fix people’s stuff for free in an effort to reduce waste in our community. Experienced volunteers can tune-up bikes, mend clothing, […]
#PilotsGive A Monumental Success!
Thanks to the hard work and generosity of Pilots all over the globe, #PilotsGive was a monumental success! The development team is working hard to crunch the final numbers but they can report that, in just 24 hours, 2,771 donors made a gift, raising $683,263 to support students, faculty, staff, athletics, and programs on The Bluff. We […]