Each month, the marketing and communications office schedules a photographer to take a small number of head shots for our online directory. The January session is Tuesday, March 27, from 11 a.m. to noon. To set up an appointment, please contact Suzanne Frey at freys@up.edu or x8676 no later than 3 p.m. on Monday, March 26. Photos will be taken in Clark Library’s Digital Lab, located on the second floor, Room 215. Only those with confirmed appointments may attend. Please note: These appointments are limited to faculty and staff who currently do not have a professional headshot in the online directory.
Pilots Give: Help Support Ignite Grants
The deadline for Faculty Ignite Grants is the end of March, but that doesn’t mean the Office of Development will quit raising money for this great cause. For Pilots Give, UP regent and 1993 alumnus Rich Baek has stepped up with a $25,000 matching gift to encourage participation in UP’s first Day of Giving on April 4 and 5. As part of this challenge, he is donating $10,000 towards the Faculty Ignite Grants. After 1,000 donors have stepped up, $10,000 will be released for the Ignite Grants for Faculty Innovation. Managed by the Office of the Provost, Ignite Grants support new ideas and approaches for course, curriculum, and program development that make an innovative contribution to UP’s teaching and learning future. To learn more about Rich’s gift, use this link.
The Ignite Grant Fund will be listed as part of the Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation campaign for Pilots Give. Donors, including alumni, parents, students, and faculty and staff, can all select this important fund during the Pilots Give event. The Ignite Grants are part of a new initiative to support development and innovative teaching and learning on campus. The development office has raised $35,000 to date, with a $25,000 match from the provost’s office. The plan is to keep raising money and build funds for this important initiative.
Faculty and Staff are encouraged to participate in Pilots Give. They can make their annual gift, volunteer at campus events, or attend events in support of the campaign. The goal for the 24-hour fundraiser is to reach 1,000 donors and unlock over $100,000 in matching gift challenges that have already been secured. Twelve campus campaigns have been set up to support faculty and student success—now we just need our community to step and support this wonderful event for UP.
Questions? Contact Amy Eaton at x8551 or eatona@up.edu or visit visit the Pilots Give page.
2018 Holy Week, Good Friday Observance
University offices will be closed and no classes will be held on Friday, March 30, in observance of Good Friday, according to Tom Greene, provost. The closing actually begins at 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 29; no classes should continue beyond that time, and other events, apart from those connected with the religious observance of Holy Week, should not be scheduled from that time through Monday, April 2.
Even though classes are not scheduled for Easter Monday, University offices will be open as usual.
The early closing on Holy Thursday is intended to allow students, faculty, and staff to attend the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, which will be celebrated in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher at 4:30 p.m.
The University’s custom of closing on Good Friday is in acknowledgment of the special religious character of the day. In Catholic tradition, Good Friday has always been recognized as one of three important days (the Sacred Triduum) of religious observance: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
For more information contact the provost’s office at 7105 or staten@up.edu.
Summer and Fall Book Orders Due March 29
Summer and fall book orders are due by Thursday, March 29, according to Erin Cave, bookstore. Orders can be placed via the web at www.uportland.bncollege.com and select “Faculty Resources.” They can also be emailed to cave@up.edu. To make the process even easier, just say “Same as Last Year!” Orders can also be phoned in at x7125. Questions? Please contact Cave at x7125.
Music at Midweek: Student Performers, March 28
The next Music at Midweek performance will feature music students on Wednesday, March 28, 12:30 p.m., in Mago Hunt Center Recital Hall. It is free and open to all. Student performers will be Kay Smith, clarinet; Luke McCartney, guitar; and Natalie Werner, mezzo-soprano.
For more information contact performing and fine arts at x7228 or pfa@up.edu.
New STEM Innovation Fellows Announced
The following science, technology, engineering, and mathematics faculty members have been selected as STEM Innovation Fellows and will participate in the first REFLECT institute in May, funded by a National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) grant, according to Stephanie Salomone, mathematics. The REFLECT project stands for “Redesigning Education for Learning through Evidence and Collaborative Teaching,” and will develop and facilitate training workshops to expose faculty to highly effective evidence-based resources and pedagogies at UP.
New STEM Innovation Fellows:
- Niki Schulz, engineering
- Cara Poor, engineering
- Ryan Kenton, Bbiology
- Laurie Dizney, biology
- Christine Weilhoefer, biology
- Kristin Sweeney, environmental science
- Buck Taylor, chemistry
- Elliot Mylott, physics
- Eli Goldwyn, mathematics
- Tammy VanDeGrift, computer science
- Jen Symons, engineering
For more information contact Salomone at salomone@up.edu.
Museum & Archives Blog: UP’s Brushes With Fame
Jay Leno, we know that name, but did you know he did an ASUP show in the Chiles Center on December 8, 1988? And remember how more recently, the Grimm television show filmed on campus, bringing Hollywood to UP with trailers, electrical cables, and disguised buildings and signs? Or when Will Geer, who play Grandpa on “The Waltons,” led campus drama workshops? The Dalai Lama has been here twice; though perhaps we protest too much? Check out this small slice of UP’s star-struck past in “Brushes with Fame,” the latest entry in the University Museum and Archives blog. Follow this link to find out more.
Contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, at piatz@up.edu or x8038 for more information.
New TLC Blog Post: Did “Make It Stick” Stick for You?
This year’s pedagogy book title for the College of Arts and Sciences annual reading was Make it Stick: the Science of Successful Learning (Brown/Roediger/McDaniel, 2014). Lars Larson, English, would like to know: If you were among the participants, did the book’s methods “to learn better and remember longer” actually stick? Whether you are new to the book or not, Larson provides a quick overview of its lessons in a recent Teaching and Learning blog post.
For more information contact Larson at larson@up.edu.
TLC From The TLC: How Do We Stack Up?
When dealing with stressed out students at challenging points in the semester, have you ever wondered if UP students are any different in their psychological concerns than students at other universities? This week’s mental health blog post on the Teaching and Learning Community Blog has some data to address that question. How do our students compare to other US college students in relation to mental health, and what are the implications for faculty and academic staff working with those students? For more information contact Andrew Guest, psychological sciences, at guesta@up.edu.
Dundon-Berchtold Hall Construction Cameras
Board of regents member Amy Dundon-Berchtold and Jim Berchtold ’63 have donated $15 million to fund the Dundon-Berchtold Institute for Moral Formation and Applied Ethics and serve as a lead gift towards the construction of a new academic center, Dundon-Berchtold Hall. The new building will house classrooms, faculty offices, selected key programs, gathering spaces, and the Brian Doyle auditorium. It is the first construction of a new building in the middle of campus since Franz Hall was built in 1995. Two cameras have been installed to view the construction of Dundon-Berchtold Hall. Please use this link and this link.