Four University of Portland accounting students won the regional round of the KPMG Case Competition in Chicago this past weekend. The team, made up of Erika Schlotfeldt, Jessie Robinson, Emily Glaser, and Courtney Lemon, beat teams from University of Missouri, University of Illinois, University of Washington, DePaul, Colorado State, and Wisconsin. The UP accounting team will […]
Committee On Faculty Welfare Survey
Faculty members who have not had a chance to respond to the Committee on Faculty Welfare’s survey about issues and areas of concern still have time to do so—the timeline for submitting feedback has been extended until Monday, January 26. The survey is available at Survey responses are completely anonymous; faculty may also omit […]
Come Celebrate Thirst Friday, Jan. 23
The Garaventa Center will hold its first Thirst Friday social gathering for the spring semester on Friday, January 23, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. All faculty and staff are invited to celebrate settling in to the new semester with a glass of wine, tasty appetizers, and fun conversation. For more information contact Karen Eifler, Garaventa […]
All Welcome For Adam Coon Lecture, Jan. 19
The Department of International Languages and Cultures invites faculty, staff, and students to attend a talk by Adam Coon, a candidate for the position of assistant professor of Spanish, on Monday, January 19, at 4:30 p.m., in the Holy Cross Lounge on the third floor of Franz Hall. Coon will present “Grinding Words: Self-Representations of […]
Next UP Hive Event: Jan. 21
The next UP Hive event will be “Quality! For Fork’s Sake,” taking place on Wednesday, January 21, at CENTRL (1355 NW Everett Street, no. 100), starting at 5:30 p.m. Alumni panelists will explore how food is produced and critiqued, from farm practices to presentation on consumers’ and customers’ plates. Panelist Jason Kallingal ’04 owns Life […]
Faculty, Staff Invited To Showcase Hula Talents
The Hawaii club will be hosting its 39th Annual Luau on March 28, 2015. This year’s theme is Pi’i Mai Ka Nalu (“Overcoming/riding a wave”). As in years past the Hawaii Club extends an invitation to any faculty or staff members who are interested in learning hula basics and showcasing their dance talents in the […]
TLC From the TLC
This week’s teaching resource is a brief video featuring Pamela Potter, nursing, sharing several specific strategies she employs in her online and hybrid courses for creating a sense of community among students and using basic multimedia tools accessible to all faculty to move beyond information in the textbook. Support for all the ideas she offers […]
Streamlined Summit Requesting Through UP Library Search
On Tuesday, January 20, Summit requesting will be integrated into the UP Library Search system. Once this is implemented, users will need to sign into their library “My Account” in order to see options to request items through Summit. This change streamlines the Summit experience by eliminating multiple prompts for authentication and adding the ability […]
Emergency Response Training: Are You Ready for a Disaster?
The University of Portland Campus Community Emergency Response Team (CCERT) offers emergency response training for all faculty, staff, and students, according to Jeff Rook, public safety. Volunteers are trained by the University’s CCERT trainers and Portland Fire and Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance on campus and in the immediate surrounding neighborhood. Public safety offers […]
Men’s Basketball Returns To The Bluff This Week
The Pilots men’s basketball team will return to Portland this week for two West Coast Conference home games. The first is scheduled for Thursday night at 7 p.m. versus Pacific. The second game will be on Saturday night at 7 p.m. as the Pilots take on Saint Mary’s. Saturday night will be a Black Out […]