The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is pleased to announce that the 2020 Teaching Award winner is Tammy VanDeGrift, Shiley School of Engineering. She has been a champion of continuous improvement in teaching and student learning throughout her 15-year career at the University of Portland. Her focus on pedagogical approaches is not solely for her […]
Tammy VanDeGrift
2018-2019 Excellence in Service Award: Nominations Needed
The Committee on Committees is accepting faculty nominations for the 2018-2019 Excellence in Service Award. The committee will accept nominations until noon on Friday, January 25, 2019 and should be submitted to the Committee’s Moodle site. Submission of supporting materials by nominees will be due by noon on Friday, March 22, 2019. Visit the Academic Senate […]
Nominations Needed: 2017-2018 Excellence in Service Award
The Committee on Committees is accepting faculty nominations for the 2017-2018 Excellence in Service Award. The nomination and application process follows the timeline of the Teaching & Scholarship Committee’s faculty awards for teaching and scholarship. The Committee on Committees will accept nominations until noon on Friday, January 26, on the Committee on Committee’s Moodle site […]
New Tech Talk Podcasts
This week from the Teaching and Learning Collaborative: Shiley School of Engineering professors Tammy VanDeGrift and Niki Schulz appeared on the UP Tech Talk podcast to discuss their experiences using instructional media to “flip” the classroom and create active learning opportunities during class sessions. Go to the TLC blog to stream, download, or subscribe to […]
Student Kevin Bastien Accepted for National Fellowship
Kevin Bastien, a junior computer science major and Entrepreneur Scholar, has been accepted to the prestigious NCIIA/Epicenter Engineering University Innovation Fellows program, according to Peter Rachor, Franz Center. His application was supported by Rachor, Tammy Vandegrift, Sharon Jones, and Robin Anderson. Bastien’s fellowship is seen as an opportunity for UP to have a member of […]
New National Science Foundation Grant
The University of Portland has been awarded $446,307 by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to increase retention in engineering and computer science with a focus on at-risk first year and sophomore students. The University of Portland is the only Oregon university and one of nine universities and colleges nationwide to receive NSF grants as part […]