The entire University community is invited to take part in the fourth annual ReadUP event, according to Thomas Greene, provost. This year’s selection is The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, by Rebecca Skloot, who will speak on February 26 as a guest of the Schoenfeldt Distinguished Writers Series. Skloot’s 2010 book was a number one […]
Provost's Office
Student Opportunity Center: Undergraduate Research Resource for Students
The University of Portland is committed to helping students find undergraduate research opportunities and in December 2016 adopted a resource that connects students to over 10,000 student conferences, journals, research, and funding opportunities. The Student Opportunity Center is free to UP community members, easy to use, and customizable to student interests. All faculty are requested […]
Please Load Scholarly Activity On The Portal
Faculty members are reminded to load their scholarly activity on the portal in PilotsUP. Data obtained through the portal will be used to populate A Community of Scholars, published by the provost’s office. That data will also be used for the Clark Library’s annual celebration of UP authors. Faculty members use their school’s report on the […]
Summer Undergraduate Research Protocol
The Provost’s office would like to remind all faculty members conducting collaborative research with undergraduates this summer that the Deans Council approved a uniform, University-wide protocol for all undergraduate research projects. A list of the items required each semester as part of the protocol can always be found in the Undergraduate Research section of the PilotsUP Forms […]
Retiring Faculty Ceremony, April 19
The following faculty members have announced their retirement at the conclusion of the spring 2017 semester, according to Kathleen Staten, provost’s office: Matthew Baasten, associate provost, dean of the Graduate School, theology faculty Carol Craig, nursing Wayne Lu, engineering James Male, engineering Zia Yamayee, engineering The late Fr. Ronald Wasowski, C.S.C., who would have retired […]
France Pilgrimage Meeting This Week: March 8
Together with the Office of the Provost and SOPHIA, the Garaventa Center is offering 12 places to senior faculty on a 10-day pilgrimage to the birthplace of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the Basse-Normandie region of France, in the summer of 2018. Those interested in applying are invited to attend an informational meeting in the […]
Founders’ Day, Tuesday, April 11
The University’s annual Founders’ Day celebration will take place on Tuesday, April 11. Four sessions of student presentations will be held in place of regularly scheduled classes, and all students and faculty are encouraged take part in the day’s events, featuring senior presentations, undergraduate research, panel discussions, recitals, and more. Classes scheduled to begin after […]
Second Community ReadUP Discussion, Feb. 15
The second community discussion of All the Light We Cannot See will happen on Wednesday, February 15, at noon, in the Clark Library Conference Room. Fr. Charlie Gordon, C.S.C., will facilitate the conversation with a focus on the middle third of the book. Light refreshments will be served; participants are encouraged to bring their lunch if desired. […]
Attention Faculty: New Student Resource Available
The University of Portland is committed to helping students find undergraduate research opportunities and has recently adopted a resource, the Student Opportunity Center, that connects students to over 10,000 student conferences, journals, research, and funding opportunities. The Student Opportunity Center is free to UP community members, easy to use, and customizable to student interests. All faculty […]
Spring 2017 Provost’s Initiative Awards
The Provost’s office is pleased to announce recipients of the Spring 2017 Provost’s Initiative on Undergraduate Research awards. These faculty members have been selected to collaborate with and mentor an undergraduate on a co-designed research experience during the 2017 spring semester: Janet Banks, Nursing: “Clinical learning environments manuscript experience” with Cara FitzGerald and Andrea Hernandez-Garibay […]