After 12 years of service to student activities, Bethany Sills will be leaving The Bluff to start a new chapter in her career as a professional development manager with Audigy Group. Her last day will be June 2, according to Jeromy Koffler, student activities. Bethany was hired as a program assistant in June 2005 and […]
Bethany Sills
Diversity Dialogues Week: Feb. 27 to March 3
Diversity Dialogues Week will offer discussions regarding topics and issues of diversity and inclusion that are pertinent to our community, nation, and world. For more information regarding the schedule and events, please use this link. The event is organized by diversity coordinators Antonella Mantanguin ( and Antonella Fillet ( For more information, contact Bethany Sills student activities, at […]
Honoring Martin Luther King Day: A Vigil for Peace, Jan. 16
All community members are welcome to join University of Portland’s community peace vigil honoring the justice, compassion, and love of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Monday, January 16, 2017, at 7:15 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. If you cannot attend, stop by the Commons to see the peace intentions that will […]
A Lecture With Tim Wise, April 21
Anti-racism writer and educator Tim Wise will speak on the University campus on Thursday, April 21, at 4 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons (quiet side). Due to space limitations, this is a private event for UP students, faculty, and staff only; please bring University of Portland ID to enter the event. Wise he has given […]
6th Annual Diversity Dialogues Week
The diversity coordinators in student activities present Diversity Dialogues Week 2016 from Monday, February 22 to Friday, February 26. Through a variety of events planned by diversity-related student clubs and student leaders, Diversity Dialogues Week celebrates and builds awareness about diversity, inclusion, cultural difference, and social justice. For a detailed list of events and current […]
Celebrate Black History Month at UP
In celebration of Black History Month, the University of Portland hosts their Annual African American Read-In on Tuesday, February 2 in the quiet side of Bauccio Commons, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. The event is an opportunity for students and faculty to read and celebrate the writings of African American poets, authors, and artists. The […]
New Diversity & Inclusion Website
After a year of research of peer and aspirant schools and feedback from students, faculty, and staff, the Division of Student Affairs is pleased to launch its new Diversity & Inclusion website at this link. All are encouraged to visit the site to find opportunities for student involvement, important University and educational resources, ways to […]
Day of the Dead Celebration, Oct. 29
All faculty and staff and their families are welcome to celebrate Dia De Los Muertos, or “Day of the Dead,” on Thursday, October 29, from 5 to 7 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons. The event is free and open to students and neighbors as well. Activities will include arts and crafts, music, dancing, and more. […]
5th Annual Diversity Dialogues Week
The multicultural and diversity programs office will present Diversity Dialogues Week 2015, from Monday, March 2 to Friday, March 6, according to Bethany Sills, student activities. Through a variety of events, this week celebrates, encourages discussion, and builds awareness about diversity, cultural difference, and social justice. For a detailed list of events, see For […]
African American Read-In, Feb. 19
In celebration of Black History Month, the University is hosting its annual African American Read-In and free cultural dinner on Thursday, February 19, at 5:30 p.m., in the Terrace Room. The African American Read-In is a national dedication to literary guests sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Multicultural programs, student activities, […]