Pilot Kids Day Camp registration for Summer 2017 is now open. The camp is for children entering grades 1-6 in Fall 2017 and is staffed by University of Portland students who lead small groups of campers in active games and sports as well as arts and crafts and drama projects. Cost is $155 per session through May 12, $170 per session after May 12. Children […]
Recreational Services
Run, Have Fun for a Cause: 2017 Shamrock Run
All UP community members can show their UP pride and help support Doernbecher Children’s Hospital by joining the UP Shamrock Run team, according to Liz Winters, recreational services. The race is Sunday, March 19, 2017, at Waterfront Park in downtown Portland. Last year the University of Portland team was the fourth largest locally and had 147 runners and walkers. We […]
Fall Break Beauchamp Center Hours
The Beauchamp Center will operate on its fall break hours from Friday, October 14 to Sunday, October 23, according to Brian Dezzani, recreational services. Fall Break Schedule: Friday, Oct. 14, 6 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Monday-Friday, Oct. 17-21, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, 10 […]
Beauchamp Center Named as 2016 Facility of Merit
The Beauchamp Recreation and Wellness Center has been named as a 2016 Facility of Merit award winner by Athletic Business, an online publication billed as “the resource for athletic, fitness, and recreation professionals.” The Beauchamp Center was the first of 10 facilities to be awarded around the country. The announcement reads in part: “Designed to […]
Beauchamp Recreation & Wellness Center: One Year And Counting!
The recreational services office celebrated the one-year anniversary of the opening of the Beauchamp Recreation & Wellness Center on Wednesday, August 24. “The facility has had a huge impact on campus and we are thrilled with the growth of our programs this year,” says Rec Services director Brian Dezzani. “More students, faculty and staff are […]
Back To School For The Beauchamp Center
Beauchamp Center fall hours will begin on Sunday, August 28, according Brian Dezzani, recreational services. Sunday, 10 a.m.-12 a.m. Monday-Thursday, 6 a.m.-12 a.m. Friday, 6 a.m.-10 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Fitness classes start on Monday, August 29. For a complete schedule and more information, go to up.edu/recservices or contact the Beauchamp Center at x8755.
Beauchamp Center Closed Aug. 8-16
The Beauchamp Recreation & Wellness Center will be closed from Monday, August 8 to Tuesday, August 16 for floor refinishing and facility maintenance, according to Brian Dezzani, recreational services. For more information contact recreational services at 7177 or recservices@up.edu.
Need An Exercise Bike? Rowing Machine? Cardio Machine?
Recreational services is selling Schwinn indoor cycling bikes and Concept 2 rowers from Howard Hall. The items will cost $100-150 each depending on the model and age, are in working order, and will be sold “as-is.” Also available are select cardio machines that are on the first floor in Howard Hall; they will be priced […]
Pilot Kids Camp Coming Up
Pilot Kids Camp registrations are now being accepted by the recreational services office. The ever-popular camps offer games, arts & crafts, sports, and tons of fun for kids from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., M-Th., and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Fridays over summer. Forms and more information are available at this link. Special pricing is offered for UP […]
Beauchamp Center Finals Week, Summer Hours
There will be limited fitness classes offered during finals week and the summer, according to Liz Winters, recreational services. A list of offerings can be found at the Beauchamp Center front desk. Locker renewals for summer term need to be submitted at the Beauchamp Center front desk by 6 p.m. on Friday, April 29. Partner/Spouse […]