Faculty and staff members are encouraged to join the hundreds of alumni who return to campus to participate in the annual Alumni Reunion. A special registration form for faculty and staff is available online, and those who would like to attend are asked to fill out the form as soon as possible. Reunion will take […]
Farewell Reception For Fr. Beauchamp, June 11
A farewell reception for University president Rev. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C., will take place on Wednesday, June 11, beginning at 2:15 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons dining room, according to Laurie Kelley, vice president of university relations. All are welcome as Fr. Beauchamp takes this opportunity to thank faculty and staff for their work and […]
“Iolanthe” Plays Through June 28
Mock’s Crest Productions will present Gilbert & Sullivan’s Iolanthe on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday from June 6 to June 28, at 7:30 p.m. (2 p.m Sundays), in Mago Hunt Center Theater. Tickets are available through the Hunt Center box office at 7287 or magohuntboxoffice@up.edu. This year’s production promises an evening of fairies, love, and politics […]
A Community of Scholars
Thank you to the faculty members who provided feedback to improve the Scholarly Activity Pilots portal after using it to provide information for the Community of Scholars report last year. Please continue to use this tool to report information for the 2013-2014 Community of Scholars report. Faculty should start loading scholarly activity for the past […]
Next UP HIVE Event on June 4
The next UP HIVE event will feature behavioral investigator Vanessa Van Edwards as she presents “The Science of Influence,” sharing seven scientifically proven ways to increase one’s influence and charisma, on Wednesday, June 4, at Portland’s Fox Tower (805 SW Broadway, Suite 2600), beginning at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments and appetizers will be served. Van Edwards […]
New Payroll Webpage
The payroll office now has its own webpage at http://www.up.edu/payroll/, according to payroll supervisor Debbie Schwartzkopf. It can be found at www.up.edu under “Services” and “Payroll” as well. The webpage has information, forms, and more to help UP employees. For more information contact Schwartzkopf at 8338 or schwartz@up.edu.
Trinity Academy Concert, May 31
Please join Trinity Academy for an evening celebrating the arts on Saturday, May 31, in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher, at 7 p.m. The performance will feature a choir performance, poetry recitations, and artwork on display. The concert also includes an accompanying professional string quartet, a performance by the Junior boys barbershop quartet, and […]
Holy Cross Jubilee Celebrations
The Congregation of Holy Cross is celebrating jubilee years for a number of priests around the world, including three who served or still serve at the University of Portland. Fr. George Bernard, C.S.C. (pictured at left), is celebrating 65 years since his ordination; Fr. James Thornton, C.S.C., is celebrating 50 years; and Fr. Pat Hannon, […]
Clark Library Welcomes New Head of Public Services
The Clark Library is pleased to announce that Jane Scott is the new head of public services and has already put in a busy week on the job. She comes to UP from George Fox University, where she was public services librarian and an associate professor. She has a master of library science from Emporia […]
Coming Soon: Information Services Virtual Service Center
Information services is proud to announce its new Virtual Service Center, designed to be a one stop IS support and service website for campus users. From this new web interface users will be able to submit IS service requests, search a robust knowledge base, and chat with help desk staff. In addition, users can report […]