The University of Portland is committed to helping students find undergraduate research opportunities and has recently adopted a resource, the Student Opportunity Center, that connects students to over 10,000 student conferences, journals, research, and funding opportunities. The Student Opportunity Center is free to UP community members, easy to use, and customizable to student interests. All faculty […]
Honoring Martin Luther King Day: A Vigil for Peace, Jan. 16
All community members are welcome to join University of Portland’s community peace vigil honoring the justice, compassion, and love of Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., on Monday, January 16, 2017, at 7:15 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. If you cannot attend, stop by the Commons to see the peace intentions that will […]
Spirit of Holy Cross Award, Blessed Basil Moreau Feast Day, Jan. 20
All University of Portland community members are invited to celebrate the feast day of Blessed Basil Moreau, C.S.C., founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross, on Friday, January 20, at 5 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Sr. Sue Bruno, OSF, residence life, will be honored as a recipient of the 2016 Spirit […]
Silver CASE Award for Marketing/Development Team
The marketing and communications office worked with development to create the “Your Gift Sparks…” online end-of-year giving campaign, which won a Silver Award in Innovation in Fundraising in the 2017 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) District VIII Communication Awards competition. This latest award joins Portland Magazine‘s Bronze Award in in the category “Print […]
Submit Butine Proposals Through Moodle
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship cordially invites all regular faculty to submit proposals to receive funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Faculty can download Butine application materials, review selection criteria, and consult the timeline for applications through the Teaching and Scholarship Moodle site. Submission of post-Butine reports, new Butine applications, and all […]
Fire Drills Scheduled for Campus Buildings Starting Monday, Jan. 16
Public safety will be conducting fire drills in academic and residence hall buildings over the next two weeks, starting Monday, January 16. During the fire drills, all personnel are asked to please exit the building safely and wait outside until given the all-clear by public safety officers or Portland Fire Bureau. This is a good time […]
Music at Midweek, Jan. 18: Mandolin & Guitar
The first Music at Midweek performance for the spring semester will be Tim Connell on mandolin and Eric Skye on guitar on Wednesday, January 18, at 12:30 p.m., in Mago Hunt Center Recital Hall. Tim and Eric will perform traditional fiddle tunes from the recent CD “June Apple.” Tim Connell has been called “A world-class Mandolinist” […]
Scheduling Library Sessions for Spring Semester
Ending one year leads to planning for the next! Now is a great time to schedule library instruction before the calendar fills up. Librarians collaborate with faculty to tailor sessions to students’ research needs. Classes typically meet in the Clark Library’s classroom on the upper floor. To request instruction, please email preferred dates and times, […]
National Data Privacy Day, Jan. 28
Are you setting goals for the new year? Why not resolve to protect your personal information and take ownership of your online presence? National Data Privacy Day aims to raise awareness and provide resources to help you do just that. This year’s themes include respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust. To learn about simple […]
Parking Permit Alert: Make the Switch, Please
In October 2015, in an effort to provide a more flexible parking option for faculty and staff who must negotiate the potential for bringing different cars to campus from day to day, the Public Safety Department instituted a new style for parking permits. Currently, general faculty/staff parking is now a hangtag rather than a sticker. […]