The winners of two prestigious University of Portland faculty awards are scheduled to present their work on Friday, April 5, from 3 to 4 p.m., in Franz Hall Room 034. Outstanding Teaching Award winner Laura McLary, international languages and cultures, will present “Communities, Cultures, Connections: Making Second-Language Learning Relevant,” followed by Outstanding Scholarship Award winner Lauretta Frederking, political science, who will present “Exclusion and Inclusion of Muslim Americans after September 11, 2001: From Religious Identity to Political Interests.” Light snacks will be served. For more information, contact Aziz Inan, engineering, at 7429 or
Teaching and Scholarship Committee
Spring 2013 Butine Awards
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined the award recipients of the 2012-2013 Butine Faculty Development Fund spring cycle, according to committee chair Aziz Inan, engineering. Due to the large number of proposals received and the limited amount of funds available, the committee was unable to fund all qualified proposals. In addition to considering the goals and the quality of each proposal received, the TAS committee had to use other factors in their decisions, including the applicant’s academic rank, frequency of Butine awards received, and distribution of funds among different schools and disciplines. This spring’s Butine Award recipients are:
- Genevieve Brassard, English: 15th Annual Space Between and Modernist Studies Association (MSA) Conferences, $1,100
- Hannah Callender, math: Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, $1,291
- Richard Christen, education: International Standing Conference for History of Education (ISCHE) Annual Meeting, $830
- Alexandra Hill, German: The 9th Annual Symposium of the Centre for International Language Studies (CILS), $225
- Jim Jurinski, business: Pacific Northwest Academic of Legal Studies in Business (PNALSB) Annual Conference, $250
- Bohn Lattin, communication studies: Northwest Communication Conference, $860
- Valerie Peterson, mathematics: 47th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, $490
- Craig Swinyard, mathematics: Special Interest Group of the Mathematical Association of America-Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (SIGMAA-RUME) Annual National Conference, $770
- Jacqueline Waggoner, education: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) and Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education (AILACTE) Conferences, $1,500
- Blair Woodard, history: Intimate Enemies: U.S. and Cuban Visual Diplomacy, $1,180.
For more information, contact Inan at 7429 or
Faculty Development Proposals
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is soliciting proposals from faculty and staff to host workshops, roundtables, and presentations during Faculty Development Day, to be held on Tuesday, May 7, according to Aziz Inan, committee chair. Proposals related in some way to the promotion of teaching, scholarship, or professional development are encouraged. Please contact Inan at 7429 or or any other member of the committee with proposals, questions, or requests for additional information. Commitee members include Ray Bard, Susan Hinken, Shannon Mayer, Mark Meckler, Eric Anctil, Lauretta Frederking, Elayne Shapiro (for Renee Heath 2012-13), and Chris Hallstrom (for Stephanie Salomone spring 2013).