Due to the recent enthusiasm from the UP community and FGEN (First Generation students), Matt Daily has been able to purchase additional FGEN webinar sessions and is now offering them to faculty and staff. Daily proposes to use Fridays as a time to virtually gather as a community, learn together, and possibly debrief or brainstorm […]
Shepard Academic Resource Center
National First Generation Student Day, Nov. 8
Friday, November 8 is National First Generation Day, and the Shepard Academic Resource Center invites the entire UP community to join in recognizing all students and families, faculty, and staff that are the first in their family to pursue a 4-year college degree. First generation students currently make up 20 percent of the UP student […]
New Face in the Shepard Academic Resource Center: Ryan Henley
Ryan Henley has been hired by Accessible Education Services as testing and accommodation coordinator, within the Shepard Academic Resource Center. You might know Henley from his previous position at the University where he served as administrative assistant to the associate dean for students, College of Arts and Sciences. Henley previously served as administrative assistant for […]
Are You First In Your Family to Go to College?
A First-Generation (FGEN) college student is defined as when an individual attends college when neither their mother nor father earned a 4-year college degree. The Shepard Academic Resource Center supports programming specifically for UP First-Generation (FGEN) students, and can use the help of faculty and staff. We would love to update our master roster of […]
Workplace Sexual Harassment: “What Now in a #metoo World?,” Feb. 7
The Career Center and the Shiley School of Engineering are sponsoring “What Now in a #metoo World? How to Recognize and Respond to Workplace Harassment” on Wednesday, February 7, from 7-8:30 p.m., in Buckley Center Auditorium. Bill Jenkins, director of employee relations and staff diversity, and three professionals will talk about how to recognize workplace […]
Advisors, Advisees: Take Advantage of UP Resources
Students’ return from Fall Break marks the beginning of the academic advising period that leads up to registration for spring courses. During these conversations, advisors might have the opportunity to remind advisees of resources that exist for discerning their post-graduation plans. With this in mind, the Office of Alumni Relations, the Shepard Academic Resource Center, and […]
Were You The First In Your Family To Attend College?
The Shepard Academic Resource Center (SARC) is in the process of designing and coordinating programs for students that are the first in their families to attend college, otherwise known as first generation students or FGEN. Faculty and staff who were first generation students are asked to participate in program development; those interested in opportunities to […]