On behalf of the Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS), committee chair Patrick Murphy announces the recipients of the Spring 2023 Butine Faculty Development Fund Awards.
Patrick Murphy
Proposals Being Accepted to Lead Faculty Development Day (Due Feb. 20)
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship welcomes creative and transformational proposals to lead Faculty Development Day on May 9 around a particular theme. Faculty should submit a 1–2 page proposal identifying the central theme, keynote speaker, and breakout panels for session one of Faculty Development Day. Sessions later in the day may remain open as […]
Call for Spring 2023 Butine Grant Applications (Due Feb. 17)
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) invites all full-time faculty, lecturers, and instructors to submit proposals for the Spring 2023 Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Projects and Conference applications are limited to $2,000 in the spring funding cycle. Please use the most current application forms which are now available for download from the Butine […]
UP Wind Symphony: Blowing Away The Competition
The University of Portland Wind Symphony has been invited to perform at the 2020 Oregon Music Education Association conference in Eugene, OR on Friday, January 17, at 4 p.m., in the Soreng Theatre at the Hult Center. The ensemble was selected through a blind audition process. The concert is free and open to the public. […]
UP Wind Symphony Concert, Nov. 16: “The Legend of Maracaibo”
The Wind Symphony will celebrate the music of Spain, Portugal, and Mexico in a free concert, “The Legend of Maracaibo,” at 3 p.m. on Saturday, November 16, in Buckley Center Auditorium (this is a venue change from the original location of Roosevelt High School). The Wind Symphony is conducted by Patrick Murphy, performing and fine […]
UP Wind Symphony Invited to 2015 Oregon Music Education Conference
The University Wind Symphony has been invited to perform at the 2015 Oregon Music Education Association conference in Eugene, Ore., in January 2015, according to Patrick Murphy, performing and fine arts. The wind symphony was selected through a blind audition process, and this will be the first time a UP instrumental ensemble has ever performed […]
2014 Rank and Tenure Decisions
Effective July 1, 2014, the following professors will be promoted from assistant to associate professor and granted tenure, according to the provost’s office: Tanya Crenshaw, Engineering Andrew Golla, Performing and Fine Arts Christin Hancock, History Hillary Merk, Education Patrick Murphy, Performing and Fine Arts Craig Swinyard, Mathematics Eugenijus Urnezius, Chemistry For more information contact the […]
Music At Midweek, Feb. 5
Patrick Murphy, performing and fine arts, will discuss his recent trip to Moscow during this week’s Music at Midweek, on Wednesday, February 5, at 12:30 p.m., in Mago Hunt Center recital hall. The event is free and open to all. Murphy will focus on the trials and tribulations he faced in attempting to obtain musical […]