The University of Portland 2018-2019 Faculty Awards were presented on Tuesday, May 7, at the Faculty Awards Dinner, with the following results: The James Culligan Award, established in 1953 in memory of a dedicated servant of the University and presented annually to a faculty member in recognition of distinguished service, was presented to Sr. Angela […]
Bill Barnes
Student-Athletes Choose 2018 Difference Award Faculty Winners
The athletics department would like to acknowledge this year’s winners of the Difference Award. Each year, student-athletes nominate professors who they feel have made a difference in their lives. The definition is left intentionally vague, allowing students to reflect on the many ways a professor may have made a difference to them. This year, four […]
Faculty Welfare Committee Call for Issues
The Faculty Welfare Committee meets this week and welcomes issues from faculty, according to committee chair Bill Barnes. The Faculty Welfare Committee is the official vehicle whereby policies concerning faculty salary, fringe benefits, and working conditions are to be brought to the University administration. It serves as a negotiating team to work directly with the administrative […]
Faculty Welfare Survey Report Available
Last academic year, the Faculty Welfare Committee conducted a survey to identify concerns and issues of the UP faculty so that the committee could confidently speak to the administration on the faculty’s behalf. A summary report of the survey results is now posted on the Academic Senate website. The report was presented and discussed at the […]
Integrative Conversations Event, Nov. 4
The second “Integrative Conversations” event will take place on Wednesday, November 4, from 7-9 p.m., in the Pilot House bookstore. Titled “A Call to Action: Pope Francis and the Integrity of Creation: The Encyclical on the Environment,” the program will be moderated by College of Arts and Sciences dean Michael Andrews and will include presentations by Christina […]