The University museum will be open for special hours on Saturday, June 28, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., during the 2014 Alumni Reunion. All University employees, alumni, and friends are welcome to visit the museum in the basement of Shipstad Hall, room 014. The museum contains photographs and memorabilia illustrating the University of Portland’s […]
University Museum
Engineering Building 65th Anniversary, June 12
June 12 marks the sixty-fifth anniversary of the dedication of the 45,000 square foot, three-story Engineering Building (now Shiley Hall) in 1949. In what was perhaps the ultimate cost-saving measure in all of UP history, the new building’s basement was dug after its completion—by hand—by Brother Godfrey Vassallo, C.S.C., and a team of industrious faculty […]
From Our Past: University Archives
The University archives were officially established by Rev. Paul Waldschmidt, C.S.C., on June 1, 1966, under the direction of Bro. David Martin, C.S.C. (pictured), the newly retired director of the Clark Memorial Library and the University’s first archivist. In the ensuing 48 years, the archives have been maintained by only four archivists: Bro. Martin served […]
Columbia Prep, 1901-1955
From 1901 to 1955 the University of Portland (originally named Columbia University) maintained the Columbia Preparatory school for boys while working to establishing itself as a collegiate university. The prep school had a strong academic program and excelled in athletics, and many of its graduates went on to enroll at the University. The University continues […]
David Alexander Tribute
One year ago on May 23, the University lost beloved biology professor David Alexander after his two-year battle with cancer. He taught on The Bluff from 1995-2013 and received the Becky Houck Award for Excellent Advising in 2013. The University Museum has created a memory tribute to David with a slideshow on the Museum blog […]
Recent Retirees Redux
The University archives and museum have prepared a new WordPress post featuring the 2014 retiring faculty members, according to museum coordinator Carolyn Connolly. Visit the WordPress site for a slide show of the eight retirees and see how they’ve changed over the years:
New Commencement Post
The University museum and archives have created a new post for their WordPress site with a slide show of graduates and graduation ceremonies over the years at, according to museum coordinator Carolyn Connolly. Commencement has long served as a capstone for the academic year, and has been held at various times in UP history […]
All You Ever Wanted To Know About Wally Pilot
As another academic year draws to a close, it seems as though a lighter post about the University’s longtime mascot would be in order. See a brief history of SPU (“Spirit of Portland U.”) and/or Wally Pilot, and a slideshow showing Wally’s development over the years on the Museum WordPress site at For more […]
New University Museum Displays
Campus members are invited to view two new University Museum displays, according to Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator. Retiring Faculty Display: All are invited to stop by the display case in Buckley Center hallway (across from the Shepard Freshman Resource Center) to view a photograph display of our eight honored faculty members who are retiring this […]
From Our Past: Hours & Bases, Great Fire of 1969
Two new posts have been added to the University Museum WordPress site, according to Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator. One is not associated with a specific date but is applicable for Holy Week, titled “Hours and Bases,” at The other post is about the April 18, 1969 Great Fire which destroyed the University’s theater and […]