This week’s post to the Teaching and Learning Collaborative blog concerns a topic not every professor finds comfortable: boundaries, and not the dotted lines you see around countries on a map. Why are boundaries important? Where does your responsibility as a professor begin and end? What are the signs that you need a boundary adjustment? […]
Teaching & Learning Collaborative
New TLC Blog Post: Did “Make It Stick” Stick for You?
This year’s pedagogy book title for the College of Arts and Sciences annual reading was Make it Stick: the Science of Successful Learning (Brown/Roediger/McDaniel, 2014). Lars Larson, English, would like to know: If you were among the participants, did the book’s methods “to learn better and remember longer” actually stick? Whether you are new to the book or […]
TLC From The TLC: How Do We Stack Up?
When dealing with stressed out students at challenging points in the semester, have you ever wondered if UP students are any different in their psychological concerns than students at other universities? This week’s mental health blog post on the Teaching and Learning Community Blog has some data to address that question. How do our students compare to […]
TLC Tip of the Week: Virtual Reality in the Classroom
Virtual reality is an emerging technology that allows students to create and learn in immersive environments. According to the American Library Association, this trend will grow in the near future as multimedia producers seek to create more engaging modes of visual storytelling. The Digital Lab currently offers a variety of titles including: Google Earth VR The Stanford Ocean Acidification […]
TLC From The TLC: Faculty-Led Abroad Experiences & Planning for Accessibility
Participation in faculty-led study abroad courses, programs and experiences provides outstanding ways for UP students to deepen their understanding of discipline-specific content in an international context. Are you thinking of creating a faculty-led study abroad program or course (or have you already created one)? It is important to plan for accessibility while creating your course […]
Announcing New Ignite Grants for Faculty Innovation in Teaching & Learning
The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the Ignite Grants for Faculty Innovation in Teaching and Learning. With up to $5,000 per grant, Ignite will support new ideas and approaches for course, curriculum, and program development that make an innovative contribution to UP’s teaching and learning future. Proposals will also advance Vision 2020 and […]
TLC From The TLC: Do UP Students Know How to Fail?
Do UP students know how to fail? According to the New York Times, higher education administrators at elite schools have coined the term “failure deprived” to classify a new mental health concern: the inability of high achieving individuals to cope with inevitable experiences of failure. This week’s installment of the mental health series on the UP Teaching & […]
TLC from the TLC: Diversity, Inclusion, Mental Health
In this week’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative “TLC from the TLC” story, psychology professor Andrew Guest posits: “Anyone paying attention to higher education in recent years is well aware of two pressing issues on regular repeat: changing perceptions of student mental health needs, and the need to better attend to diversity and inclusion. But how […]
TLC Teaching Tip of the Week: Spring Digital Lab Workshops
The Clark Library Digital Lab will present several workshops this semester. Topics will include: Arduinos for Beginners: Workshop attendees will explore the basic functionality of Arduino microcontrollers and use online coding software to create simple programs. Virtual Reality (VR): Participants will be able to use an HTC Vive VR headset and controllers during this drop-in session to gain an […]
TLC From The TLC: Mental Health Services for Students
As faculty and students return for the winter months of our “Spring” semester, the Teaching and Learning Collaborative hopes some might find it useful to get a primer (or, more optimistically, a reminder) about mental health services for students on campus. See the TLC blog for an overview of the who, what, where, when, and why of […]