Looking forward to some time to read and watch movies over the winter break? The Clark Library has a collection of popular books and DVDs available for checkout. Come and choose your titles for the break, located on shelves right next to the Service Desk.
Donate to the Clark Library Holiday Food Drive until Dec. 16!!
You have one week left to make donations to the Library Holiday Food Drive! Any food donations will help families in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The most needed foods include canned meat, canned and boxed meals, nut butters, canned or dried beans and lentils, pasta and rice, canned fruits and vegetables, juice, and cooking oil. A donation barrel is located in the library lobby, and each addition will help toward the library’s goal of collecting 300 pounds food.
For more information, contact the library at x7111 or library@up.edu.
Clark Library: Paws and Relax
All are welcome to take a short break during the last week of classes and visit with a furry friend! A dog team from Pet Partners will be in the Clark Library this Tuesday from 2-4 p.m. and Wednesday from 2-3 p.m.. Look for them on the library’s main floor by the front windows. Stay tuned to the Clark Library’s Twitter feed for updates.
Donate to the Clark Library Food Drive, Nov. 23 – Dec. 16
The Clark Library is collecting food for the Oregon Food Bank this holiday season, and all faculty and staff are invited to donate holiday extras or use spare meal points on goods at Mack’s Market. In the Portland metropolitan region, an average of 270,000 people per month get their meals from local pantries and emergency food boxes. Any food donations will help families in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The most needed foods include canned meat, canned and boxed meals, nut butters, canned or dried beans and lentils, pasta and rice, canned fruits and vegetables, juice, and cooking oil. A donation barrel is located in the library lobby, and each addition will help toward the library’s goal of collecting 300 pounds food.
For more information, contact the library at x7111 or library@up.edu.
Spring Semester Course Reserves
Clark Library staff handled over 2,000 print and online reserves for fall semester. Now they are ready to tackle spring semester course reserves. Please fill out the online Course Reserves form or e-mail a list of citations to library@up.edu. If you plan to use materials that were on reserve in the past year, let us know and we can find that previous list.
Library staff also handle scanning and copyright permissions, so be sure to include the course name, course number, instructor, and number of students enrolled in each section. Questions? Stop by the service desk, call x7111, or e-mail library@up.edu.
Third Annual ReadUP Books Available Now
For those who pre-ordered copies of All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, copies are now available. To pick up your copy, please go to the main circulation desk in the Clark Library anytime between 7:30 a.m.- 10 p.m. More information regarding upcoming book discussions and other highlights can be found at up.edu/readup.
Submit Your 3D Ornament Design
Enter your 3D ornament design to the Clark Library’s 3D Ornament Design contest. Entries are due by Friday, November 18 at 5 p.m. The winning designs will be 3D printed and displayed on the libary’s Christmas tree. Unfamiliar with 3D design? The lab provides access to Blender software and tutorials for Tinkercad. Visit the Digital Lab website for all of the contest details.
Clark Library 2016 Satisfaction Survey Results
Clark Library staff would like to thank the 128 faculty and 18 staff who responded to the library’s satisfaction survey in spring 2016. The findings revealed that satisfaction with library services is high among both groups. Staff value print books more than databases, and they use library services to find information in related fields or new areas. Faculty value databases more than print books, and they report that library services help them to use their time efficiently. Complete results and a comparison with the 2011 survey are now available.
UP Authors’ Reception, Oct. 13
The Clark Library invites faculty, staff, and students to the Eighth Annual UP Authors’ Reception this Thursday, October 13, from 3 to 4:30 p.m., on the library’s upper floor. The UP Authors’ Reception is a celebration of works published by faculty, staff, and student authors in the previous year. Drop by the reception to mingle with colleagues, see their publications, and enjoy refreshments.
For more information contact Diane Romero at x7775 or hicksd@up.edu.
Scheduling Library Sessions for Fall Courses
Now that fall semester is underway, it is a great time to schedule library instruction. Although the first several weeks of the term are filling up quickly, opportunities abound later in the semester. Librarians will work with faculty to tailor sessions to the students’ research needs. Classes typically meet in the Clark Library’s classroom on the upper floor. We have laptops for students to use, or they can use their own wireless enabled devices.
To schedule instruction, contact Stephanie Michel at 7418 or michel@up.edu.