The human resource office will host a brown bag lunch session titled “Money Management,” presented by Cascade EAP, in the Chiles Center Hall of Fame room, on Wednesday, December 10, from noon to 1 p.m. Walk away with some great money tips to help with holiday shopping. Please join the discussion, and bring a fellow […]
Parents Night Out, Dec. 5
University parents are invited to take the opportunity to enjoy four hours of free time with their significant others while the UP onsite daycare watches their children on Parents Night Out, Friday, December 5, from 6 to 10 p.m. This service is provided by Vermont Hills Family Life Center daycare/preschool. The cost is $40 per […]
Alumni Advent Mass, Dec. 14
Join the Office of Alumni Relations on Sunday, December 14 at the University of Portland’s Chapel of Christ the Teacher for the annual Advent Mass for alumni of colleges and universities guided by the Congregation of Holy Cross. The 10:30 a.m. Mass will be followed by a light reception in Bauccio Commons. Please submit your […]
Faculty Welfare Committee Seeking Feedback
The Committee on Faculty Welfare requests feedback from UP faculty about issues and areas of concern. The committee is gathering information in order to speak with the administration on behalf of the UP faculty. Please respond to the following anonymous survey by Friday, December 19: Those who have questions about the survey are asked […]
Moreau Center Open House: Come One, Come All, Dec. 3
The Moreau Center will be hosting a holiday open house on Wednesday, December 3, from 3 to 4:30 p.m., in St. Mary’s. All are invited to stop by and learn more about the various service and leadership opportunities offered by the center. Food, drinks, and prizes will also be included. For more information contact Theresa […]
Come To The University Club, Dec. 3
The next University Club event will take place on Wednesday, December 3, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons Board Room. All faculty and staff are invited to meet and connect with colleagues from all over campus. All members of the University community are welcome. For more information contact the provost’s office at […]
Clark Library Supporting Students With Therapy Dogs and Whisper Week
The last week of classes can be stressful, so a therapy dog team will be available for some de-stressing on the library’s main floor on Tuesday, December 2, from 2 to 4 p.m., and Thursday, December 4, from 1 to 3 p.m. Also on Tuesday, the library classroom on the upper floor will be opened […]
New IRS Retirement Limits
On October 23, 2014, the Internal Revenue Service announced its 2015 adjustments to contribution limits for 403(b) plans. Employees may contribute up to $18,000 to their 401(k) plans in 2015. For those age 50 and over, an increased “catch-up” contribution limit will mean $6,000 in additional allowable employee contributions. Those wishing to change their current […]
Annual Alumni Employees Luncheon, Dec. 4
The Office of Alumni Relations cordially invites all UP employees who are also UP alumni to attend the 8th Annual UP Alumni Employee Luncheon on Thursday, December 4, from 11:30 p.m. to 1 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons Terrace room. Please RSVP to or 7328 by Monday December 1. All degreed and non-degreed UP […]
A Conversation With WWII Veteran Dale Bowlin, Dec. 2
The University will host a conversation with Dale Bowlin, a World War II veteran and prisoner of war, on Tuesday, December 2, at 7 p.m., in Buckley Center room 163. After participating in the second phase of the Battle of the Bulge in 1944, Bowlin was injured and captured in Germany in 1945 and spent […]