Join Pilots Baseball this Thursday, April 12, at 6 p.m. for UP Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day! With UP ID, all faculty and staff get free admission for themselves and their families at the Pilots vs. BYU game at Joe Etzel Field. Add a free hot dog and drink and that’s a great time at the ball park. Game […]
54th Annual UP Jazz Festival, April 11-12
The University of Portland’s 54th Annual Jazz Festival takes place April 11 and 12 as bands from all over the region come together to perform and express their love of jazz music. The festival showcases excellent student musicians as well as guest artists from around the nation, all contributing to a vibrant festival of jazz […]
Campus Community Mass Notification Test: April 11
On April 11 the University of Portland public safety department will test the campus mass notification system. In light of recent tragedies, public safety encourages all participants in the mass notification system to take the opportunity to consider how you would respond in an actual emergency and to practice lockdown procedures for where you will […]
Power UP Week in Beauchamp Center, April 9-14
April 9-14 is Power UP Week in Beauchamp, according to Kaitlin Bourne, recreational services. Power UP is a full week dedicated to increasing health, fitness, and well-being for UP students and staff. The schedule includes: Monday, April 9 – Nutrition Guidance with Trailblazers dietitian Michelle Tegenkamp, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the BRWC classroom. Tuesday, April 10 – “The Brain […]
Founders’ Day Vespers: All Welcome
All are welcome to wrap up Founder’s Day with prayer, according Fr. James Gallagher, C.S.C., Campus Ministry. Evening Prayer, or Vespers, will be celebrated at 4:10 p.m. on Tuesday, April 10. in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. For more information contact Campus Ministry at x7131 or