Summer and fall book orders are due by Friday, March 31st, according to Eric Cave, bookstore. Orders can be placed via the web at and select “Faculty Resources.” They can also be emailed to To make the process even easier, just say “Same as Last Year!” Orders can also be phoned in at x7125. Questions? […]
Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group, March 31
The next meeting of the Faith and Intellectual Life Discussion Group will be on Friday, March 31, 3:30-5 p.m., in the Murphy Room. The group will be reading three short articles: Andrew Reiner, “Teaching Men to Be Emotionally Honest;” Sarah Brown and Katherine Mangan, “What ‘Safe Spaces’ Really Look Like on College Campuses;” and Christine Emba, […]
“What’s So Funny About a Joke?” with Mark Roche, March 23
Mark W. Roche will present the Annual Hesburgh Lecture, “What’s So Funny About a Joke?,” on Thursday, March 23, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall 120. His talk will interlace humor with an analysis of the greatness and limits of Freud’s theory of jokes. Roche is Joyce Professor of German, concurrent professor of philosophy, and […]
Nominations Welcome for Oddo Scholarship
Shortly after his untimely death in 1989, University president Rev. Thomas Oddo, C.S.C., was memorialized by faculty, staff, students, and friends with the establishment of an endowed scholarship fund named after him. Every year the University awards scholarship funds in Fr. Oddo’s name to one or more students who meet a set of criteria which includes demonstrated […]
“Home” Pre-Play Panel and Reception, March 25
All ticket holders for the Saturday, March 25 show of Home are invited to enjoy a complimentary wine and cheese reception courtesy of the Garaventa Center as campus experts highlight production details and intriguing themes before the play. The reception begins at 6:15 p.m., followed by the panel at 6:45 p.m., in Mago Hunt Center Recital Hall. […]
Dexheimer Leadership Fellows Welcome
The Franz Center is providing free leadership training and development during the 2017-18 academic year for faculty and staff who want to learn more about becoming a Dexheimer Leadership Fellow. There are over 70 faculty and staff from across the University who have been trained as Dexheimer Leadership Fellows and the Franz Center is seeking to […]
Smartcatalog Training for Bulletin Editors, March 15
There will be a user’s training session for the Smartcatalog tool used to update the University Bulletin on Wednesday, March 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., in Buckley Center room 15. While the session is meant primarily for new associate deans in the College of Arts and Sciences, all new users are welcome to […]
New Academic Center Unveiled at State of UP
At the University of Portland’s annual State of UP luncheon, University president Rev. Mark L. Poorman C.S.C., unveiled plans for Dundon-Berchtold Hall, a new academic center with over 63,000 square feet of classrooms, offices, an auditorium, a career center, and the Dundon-Berchtold Institute. A $15 million commitment from regent Amy Dundon-Berchtold and her husband, Jim Berchtold […]
France Pilgrimage Meeting This Week: March 8
Together with the Office of the Provost and SOPHIA, the Garaventa Center is offering 12 places to senior faculty on a 10-day pilgrimage to the birthplace of the Congregation of Holy Cross, the Basse-Normandie region of France, in the summer of 2018. Those interested in applying are invited to attend an informational meeting in the […]
UP Students Shine: Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival
A group of 38 students and five faculty spent February 20-24 at the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival for a week of competitions, workshops and performances. More than 750 theater students from schools across the northwest participated, and a number of UP students came away winners: KCACTF Design Technology & Management, Winner in Scenic Design: Megan Macker (junior). […]