Due to a steady increase of campus events occurring outside of the hours of operation for media services, a change in service policy will begin on January 31. After that date, all labor services provided by media services outside of core hours will incur a $20 per man-hour labor charge with a two-hour minimum. Equipment […]
LinkedIn Labs, Career Services Staff Available For Spring Semester
Career services will offer LinkedIn Labs to faculty, staff, and students during the spring semester, consisting of interactive workshops that help build LinkedIn profiles and online networking. Please create a basic LinkedIn profile prior to attending any LinkedIn Lab, as well as a resume and laptop. Thursday, January 22 will feature “Build Your Profile” at […]
Master of Arts in Education (MAT) Informational, Jan. 20
Faculty, staff, and students are invited to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Informational on Tuesday, January 20, at 6 p.m., in Franz Hall Murphy Room (room 426). The MAT is an intensive program designed to prepare individuals with baccalaureate degrees for teaching in K-12 schools. MAT graduates earn a master’s degree and are […]
W-2 Forms Coming Soon
W-2 forms will be available electronically this week, according to Debbie Schwartzkopf, payroll. An e-mail will be sent to each employee who has signed up for electronic delivery informing them that they are ready. Paper W-2 forms will be sent out the following week to employees’ permanent addresses, no later than January 31. Updated timesheet […]
Servant Leadership Team, Faith & Formation Ambassador Applications
All are welcome to apply for leadership opportunities in Campus Ministry for the 2015-2016 school year, according to Theresa McCreary, Campus Ministry. Application forms are available at http://tinyurl.com/olqyh2b. Positions include membership on the Servant Leadership Team or Faith & Formation ambassador. To learn more about either position, please see the Lead@UP website at http://tinyurl.com/oqtuz34. Applications […]
Come Vote For 3-D Printer Ornaments in Shiley Hall
The Shiley School of Engineering is hosting a 3D printer Christmas ornament competition in Shiley Hall, according to Kim Spir, engineering. The ornaments are on display in Shiley Hall on the first floor with a ballot box. All faculty, staff, and students are welcome to vote by Friday, January 23, and the winner receives a […]