There is still time to apply for the 2018-19 round of Ignite Grants for Faculty Innovation in Teaching and Learning, as proposals are due on January 18, 2019. Ignite Grants, which range up to $5,000, are designed to encourage faculty to explore new ideas that have the potential to reshape the classroom experience and to […]
#UPGives Campaign: Every Gift Matters on Tuesday, Nov. 27
Giving Tuesday, a global day of philanthropy, is coming on November 27, and the University of Portland will take part through the #UPGives Campaign, according to Marie Jobes, development. The UP Giving Tuesday website allows people to donate to any fund of their choice, including colleges, schools, clubs, centers, teams, scholarships, and more. This year […]
Announcing Pilot Funder, UP’s New Crowdfunding Platform
The Office of Development is proud to announce the launch of Pilot Funder, the University’s first crowdfunding platform, at All registered UP student organizations, competitive sports and academic teams, full-time faculty, certain UP staff members, schools, colleges, institutes, and departments that have a project benefiting the UP community can use Pilot Funder. Pilot Funder […]
Elsie Franz Finley Memorial Service, Sept. 18
Businesswoman and philanthropist Elsie Franz Finley, sister of the late Robert “Bob” Franz, passed away on August 14 at the age of 97. There will be a Memorial Mass for her on Tuesday, September 18, at 2:30 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. A reception will follow in the Bauccio Commons Boardroom. University president […]
Farewell party for Trevor Harvey, August 29
Please plan to join the development office in a farewell gathering for Trevor Harvey, who is moving to Vancouver, BC. The gathering will take place on Wednesday, August 29, at 3:30 p.m. at the Pilot House. For more than eight years, the University has benefitted from Trevor’s great service and dedication. Each day he has […]
Come Say Farewell to Andrea Nelin-Roth, June 7
After 16 years of faithful service to the University of Portland and Office of Development, Andrea Nelin-Roth will retire on Thursday, June 7, according to Bryce Strang, development. Andrea has spent thousands of hours on research and prospect management in support of development officers, administration leadership, and alumni relations. She has been a steadfast partner with […]
#PilotsGive A Monumental Success!
Thanks to the hard work and generosity of Pilots all over the globe, #PilotsGive was a monumental success! The development team is working hard to crunch the final numbers but they can report that, in just 24 hours, 2,771 donors made a gift, raising $683,263 to support students, faculty, staff, athletics, and programs on The Bluff. We […]
Pilots Give 24-Hour Day of Giving, April 4-5
Mark your calendars for April 4-5 for UP’s first Day of Giving. Join University relations as we launch a 24-hour, online campaign focused on building resources for UP. Throughout the 24-hour period, there will be several on-campus hosted events including the Franz Grilled Cheese Machine, happy hour in the Pilot House, Portside with Pilots, Thankful […]
Pilots Give: Help Support Ignite Grants
The deadline for Faculty Ignite Grants is the end of March, but that doesn’t mean the Office of Development will quit raising money for this great cause. For Pilots Give, UP regent and 1993 alumnus Rich Baek has stepped up with a $25,000 matching gift to encourage participation in UP’s first Day of Giving on April […]
2017 Giving Tuesday: 606 Gifts Total
Last Tuesday, the Office of Development launched the University’s second Giving Tuesday campaign. 405 gifts were given in just 24 hours and $115,095 was raised to support a variety of scholarships, programs, and areas of campus. This tremendous show of support marks the largest number of gifts made in one day in University history. In […]