Have you been curious about developing a new Core Exploration course but haven’t yet taken the plunge? Do you feel like you understand interdisciplinarity as a concept, but not how to put it into practice in the classroom? The Core Curriculum (Andrew Guest) and the NEH “Core Humanities” grant team (Jen McDaneld and Molly Hiro) […]
Founders’ Day: A Celebration of Student Scholarship (Apr. 4)
The University’s annual Founders’ Day celebration will take place on Tuesday, April 4, and all UP community members are invited to take part. The University pauses on Founders’ Day to celebrate its rich past and its promising future: the past as we honor the bold leaders who dared to dream of a Catholic university overlooking […]
Pilot Stories (Video Series)
Marketing & Communications and Admissions recently teamed up to launch an ongoing series of videos that capture students’ transformative experiences while attending UP. The short videos are in each student’s own words and highlight them engaging in some of their favorite activities on campus. Marketed on social media, the videos aim to help prospective students imagine […]
Counseling Groups Available for Students
The Counseling Center offers students four group options to enhance mental health and wellbeing. Don’t hesitate to tell students about the group offerings and to contact the Counseling Center to sign up for services or learn more about the groups. Coping Skills Group: This group meets weekly on Thursdays from 3 p.m.–4 p.m. on a […]
Invitation to Influence the Development of the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Advisory Committee
As we are working on redefining the Interpersonal Violence Prevention Advisory Committee, the attendees identified that it would be worthwhile to develop a defined mission/purpose for our IVP Advisory Committee at our last meeting. After a mission is developed, our committee needs a structure for how we can learn about interpersonal violence prevention needs on […]
DEI: Gateways & Opportunity
Our most recent post from the University Archives and Museum reaches back to the University’s beginnings and founding ideals, to be a University open to everyone and representative of diversity and inclusion, drawing students of diverse backgrounds, cultures, gender, and all parts of the world. Read more. For more information, contact Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator, […]
2023 Inclusive Teaching Working Group
We are happy to be able to offer a professional development opportunity to all of our UP colleagues: the 2023 Inclusive Teaching Working Group. Starting the week of March 13, we will be facilitating two professional learning communities with faculty who wish to broaden their understanding of inclusive teaching practices and adopt and skillfully implement […]
Difference Award Winners Announced
The Athletic department would like to acknowledge this year’s winners of the “Difference Award”! Each year, student-athletes nominate a professor on campus who they felt has made a difference in their life. The definition is left intentionally vague, allowing students to reflect on the many ways a professor may have made a difference to them. […]
Rank and Tenure: 2023 Tenure, Promotions
The provost’s office has announced the following promotions and grants of tenure, effective July 1:
New to The Bluff: Gary Laustsen, FT Visiting Faculty, School of Nursing & Health Innovations
The School of Nursing & Health Innovations would like to welcome Gary Laustsen as a FT Visiting Faculty for Spring semester 2023. Laustsen’s work on Family Health Care Nursing: Theory, Practice, and Research was recently named Best of 2022 by the American Journal of Nursing’s Best Book of the Year Award in the Environmental Health […]