A new structure seems to have emerged near Christie and Howard Hall, but this is just another phase in the history of the University’s Praying Hands/Broken Wall Memorial. The University archives and museum offer a brief description and photo slide show of the memorial’s past, even while the new landscaping surrounding the Broken Wall is […]
University museum
Museum Hours For Reunion 2015
The University museum will be open for special hours on Friday, June 26, from 1 to 4 p.m., and Saturday, June 27, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., during the 2015 Alumni Reunion. All University employees, alumni, and friends are welcome to visit the museum in the basement of Shipstad Hall, room 014. The museum […]
A Given Life: Rev. Richard Berg, C.S.C.
In every aspect of their work, Holy Cross religious carry out at least one of the elements of the University’s mission on a daily basis – Teaching and Learning, Faith and Formation, Service and Leadership. Fr. Richard Berg, C.S.C., professor emeritus and former College of Arts and Sciences dean, incorporates all these elements in his […]
Silent Sentinels On The Bluff: New Museum Blog Entry
One of the most frequently asked questions posed to the University museum and archives is, “Who moved the cannons, and where are they now?” Answers to these and more questions, plus some history of the once-iconic bluff cannons, can be found in the latest post on the museum blog at http://tinyurl.com/mmyu9l5. Contact Carolyn Connolly, museum […]
New Campus Museum Displays
The campus community is invited to view two new museum displays for the 80th anniversary of the Beacon and the University’s name change from Columbia University to University of Portland. The Beacon display includes staff photographs and a selection of pages and articles on the display board in the basement of Shipstad Hall across from […]
A Given Life: Return on Investment
A given life is both seed and fruit for the harvest. One University legend, the late Rev. John A. Molter, C.S.C. (pictured), through his teaching and attention, contributed to the University’s harvest by inspiring students in the classrooms and labs of Old Science—now Romanaggi— Hall. For the story of Fr. Molter and his connection to […]
A Given Life: Out of Exile
Those called to a life of service in the Church sometimes face opposition to their work. In 1901, the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation in France found themselves without home or work after the French government enacted anti-clerical legislation aimed at the Catholic Church. Through the Congregation of Holy Cross, some of these sisters […]
A Given Life: How Are They Paid?
Fifth in the University museum’s “A Given Life” series is a recognition of the hundreds of Holy Cross priests and brothers who serve as both fabric and pattern of the University’s history. This community of men has long served as administrators, professors, physical laborers, advisors, student mentors, office staff, chaplains—each one serving the Church while […]
A Given Life: Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B.
For wakeful students, a professor nun in the chemistry lab is not a contradiction but a long-term life-altering gift. Fourth in the museum’s “A Given Life” series is Sr. Angela Hoffman, O.S.B., research chemist, distinguished teacher, and consecrated religious. From the River Campus to the classroom, Sr. Hoffman’s yew trees offer University students opportunities to […]
St. Mary’s Convent: 1903-1959
Among the first buildings on the University campus was St. Mary’s Convent, which served as a residence for the religious sisters who worked in the kitchen and laundry for the University and Columbia Prep students until 1944. Located on what is now part of the quad near the Chapel, Buckley Center, and Commons, St. Mary’s […]