Lauretta Frederking, acting assistant provost and professor of political science, has been appointed as the University’s new Title IX coordinator. Frederking will work with Fr. John Donato, C.S.C., in his capacity as deputy Title IX coordinator for students; Matt Baasten, associate provost, in his position as deputy Title IX coordinator for faculty, and Bill Jenkins, […]
Title IX
University names three Title IX deputy coordinators
The University of Portland is committed to ensuring equal access to education in an environment free from discrimination, including sexual harassment and interpersonal violence. Anyone impacted by violence is encouraged to contact the Title IX coordinator, Bryn M. Sopko. The Title IX resources will now include representation for students, faculty and staff. Beginning immediately, the […]
New Title IX Coordinator
Effective July 1, Bryn Sopko, director of human resources, will become the University’s Title IX Coordinator. Bryn will replace Elayne Shapiro, who has filled the role since July 2011. As a reminder, all inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulations may be referred to the University’s Title IX coordinator, deputy Title […]
Title IX Changes, Information
Kristina Houck has been appointed as Title IX deputy director for training and education, according to Title IX coordinator Elayne Shapiro, communication studies. She also serves as wellness education and prevention program coordinator for the University. Please note that the Early Alert form, available on both the Early Alert and Title IX page, now requests […]