Patrick Egan, a TIAA-CREF investment counselor, will be on campus for individual financial counseling sessions with University employees on the following dates: February 17, Orrico Hall rm. 101 March 17, Orrico Hall rm. 101 April 12, 13, & 14, Orrico Hall rm. 101 These sessions are available to any employee and appointments can be made […]
Tim Egan
2015 Zahm Lecture Features Author Tim Egan, Sept. 17
The 2015 Zahm Lecture in American Catholic Education will take place on Thursday, September 17, at 7:15 p.m., in Buckley Center Auditorium. Best-selling author Tim Egan, winner of both a Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award, will present “Francis and Francis: How a Pope and Saint Changed the World, One Heart at a Time.” The […]