A Beacon photograph taken at the Inauguration of University president Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C., won First Place for Breaking News Photography in the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Mark of Excellence Awards regional competition, according to Nancy Copic, student activities. Freshman photojournalist Hannah Baade took the photo titled “A Hug Between Presidents.” It shows Fr. Poorman hugging ASUP President John Julius Muwulya after Muwulya presented him with a watch as an inauguration gift. As a First Place regional winner, the photo now advances to the national SPJ Mark of Excellence Awards competition. National winners will be announced at the SPJ Excellence in Journalism conference in Orlando September 18-20.
The competition featured entries from collegiate newspapers in five western states: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. Regional finalists also include “Are we pushing forward or rolling backward?” by Lydia Laythe (Kelsey Thomas, editor-in-chief) in the category In-Depth Reporting; and “It’s Your $85” by Rebekah Markillie and Maggie Hannon (Kelsey Thomas, editor-in-chief), in the category of Photo Illustration.
For more information contact Copic at 7470 or copic@up.edu.