All faculty, staff, and students are warmly invited to join the Math Department and Math Club for an exclusive Pi Day screening of the new documentary Counted Out. Whether you already think of yourself as a “math person” or simply wish you did, this film has an empowering message about how quantitative literacy is crucial for upholding democracy and shaping our world. (Read More)
Mathematics Department
Retirement Party for Carol Bruce, June 20
After 22 years of exemplary cheerful service, Carol Bruce is retiring from her position as office manager and de facto den mother for the mathematics and communication studies office. A farewell party for Carol will take place on Thursday, June 20, from 3 to 5 p.m., in the Pilot House. All are invited to come […]
Sigma XI Outstanding Researcher Award for Hannah Highlander
Hannah Highlander, mathematics, has been awarded the 11th Annual Sigma Xi Outstanding Researcher Award, given annually by the Columbia-Willamette Chapter of Sigma Xi, the international scientific research honorary society. She will be honored at a ceremony on May 28. College of Arts and Science dean and mathematics faculty member Herbert Medina points out that this is […]
Stephanie Salomone: An Outstanding Educator
The Oregon Academy of Science has selected Stephanie Salomone, mathematics, as a winner of the OAS 2019 Outstanding Educator: Higher Education award. Nominees for this award have a demonstrated record of outstanding teaching in any of the subject areas encompassed by the Academy; nominees are judged on the unique contributions made by the candidate to […]
Texas Instruments Leadership Summit, May 29
The provost’s office, School of Education, mathematics department, and Shiley School of Engineering invite faculty to attend a free conference on campus, the Texas Instruments Leadership Summit: College and Career Readiness in STEM Education, on Friday, May 29, from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in the Bauccio Commons boardroom. While the summit is oriented towards […]
“This I Believe,” Nov. 19
The Garaventa Center will host “This I Believe: A Conversation about Personal Axioms,” presented by Real Analysis students, on Wednesday, November 19, at 6 p.m., in Franz Hall Holy Cross Lounge. The event is free and open to all. Students in Stephanie Salomone’s Real Analysis class will describe the things that they believe without proof […]
Math Colloquium, Oct. 8
The next Math Colloquium will be held on Wednesday, October 8, from 4 to 5 p.m., in Franz Hall room 217, according to Carol Bruce, mathematics. The speaker will be Jack Green from Mt. Hood Community College, who will present “From the Classroom to Online and Back Again.” Refreshments will be provided. For more information […]
Math Colloquium, Sept. 16
The next Math Colloquium will take place on Tuesday, September 16, from 4 to 5 p.m., in Buckley Center room 310, according to Carol Bruce, mathematics. The event will feature a panel discussion on “Graduate School: Applying, Finding, Funding, and Succeeding.” Refreshments will be provided. For more information contact Bruce at 7166 or
Math Colloquium, Jan. 22
The next Math Colloquium will be held on Wednesday, January 22, from 4-5 p.m., in Buckley Center room 209. The speaker will be Albert Kim from Reed College, who will present “A Bayesian model for cluster detection.” Refreshments will be served. For more information contact Carol Bruce, mathematics, at 7166 or