The Leadership Book Club is an opportunity for faculty and staff to connect and to support each other in our leadership journeys through shared knowledge, understanding, critical analysis, experiences, and literature. (Read More)
Leadership Fellow Program
Register for the Leadership Fellows Formation Program for Fall by August 18. Available for all UP Faculty and Staff!
At UP, we see leadership differently. We emphasize the inclusive assertion that everyone can be a leader and express leadership through intentionally cultivated knowledge, skills, mindsets, and the leveraging of unique leadership strengths.
Register for the Leadership Fellows Formation Program by August 2. Available for all UP Faculty and Staff
Traditional conceptualizations of leadership often focus on leaders being defined by their position, responsibilities, and power, while in many cases commanding, controlling, and coercing their followers. At UP, we see leadership differently. We emphasize the inclusive assertion that everyone can be a leader and express leadership through intentionally cultivated knowledge, skills, mindsets and the leveraging of unique leadership strengths. In the midst of […]
Have You Considered Becoming a Leadership Fellow with the Franz Center?
The Franz Center is providing free leadership training and development during the 2018-19 academic year for faculty and staff who want to learn more about becoming a Leadership Fellow, according to Dave Houglum, Franz Center. There have been over 100 faculty and staff from across the University who have been trained as Leadership Fellows and the […]