The CAS Dean’s office is delighted to announce that Dr. Hannah Highlander has accepted a 5-year appointment as Associate Dean for Students. Dr. Highlander has been a faculty member at UP in the Department of Mathematics since 2009, and was promoted to Professor last year. She has published work on Mathematical Modelling, Undergraduate Research, as […]
Hannah Highlander
2019-2020 Butine Spring Cycle Recipients
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined award recipients for the 2019-2020 Butine Faculty Development Fund Spring cycle, according to committee chair Hannah Highlander, mathematics. Butine award recipients are: Alexa Dare, $2000, “Streams Transformative Environmental Humanities Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, August 5-8, 2020.” Vail Fletcher, $1890, “North American Association for Critical Animal Studies Conference (NAACAS), University of British […]
Faculty Development Day, May 5: Session Proposals Welcome
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is excited to announce this year’s Faculty Development Day theme, “A Globalized Curriculum: Frameworks for Respectful Engagement with People from Diverse Religious and Secular Traditions.” See below for a detailed description of the day’s theme. The morning keynote address and several late morning sessions will be centered around this […]
Call for Spring Butine Proposals: Deadline Feb. 7
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship invites all eligible faculty to submit proposals to receive funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. We are excited to announce that, in efforts to improve accessibility, clarity, and efficiency, we have created new and improved online application forms, along with screen reader friendly Word versions of the […]
Fall 2019 Butine Awards Announced
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) has determined award recipients for the 2019-2020 Butine Faculty Development Fund Fall cycle, according to committee chair Hannah Highlander, mathematics. Butine award recipients are: Lauren Alfrey, American Sociological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA August 8-11, 2020 ($1,755) Michael Cameron, Annual Joint Meeting, American Academy of Religion and Society of Biblical Literature, […]
2019-2020 Teaching Award, Scholarship Award: Nominate Now
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship is now accepting faculty nominations for the 2019-2020 Teaching Award and Scholarship Award. These awards are an opportunity for the University community to recognize and celebrate two of its own for outstanding achievements in teaching and scholarship. The committee will accept nominations until noon on Friday, January 24. Nominations […]
2020 Faculty Development Day Proposals Welcome
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship welcomes proposals to lead sessions on Faculty Development Day, May 5, 2020, around a particular theme. Interested faculty should submit a 1-2 page proposal identifying the keynote speaker and breakout panels for session one of Faculty Development Day. Sessions later in the day may remain open as opportunities for […]
Submit Butine Proposals and Reports through Moodle
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship invites all regular faculty to submit proposals to receive funding from the Arthur Butine Faculty Development Fund. Faculty can download Butine application materials, review selection criteria, and consult the timeline for applications by visiting this link. Submissions of post-Butine reports, new Butine applications, and all supporting letters are now […]
Sigma XI Outstanding Researcher Award for Hannah Highlander
Hannah Highlander, mathematics, has been awarded the 11th Annual Sigma Xi Outstanding Researcher Award, given annually by the Columbia-Willamette Chapter of Sigma Xi, the international scientific research honorary society. She will be honored at a ceremony on May 28. College of Arts and Science dean and mathematics faculty member Herbert Medina points out that this is […]
May 7 Faculty Development Day Program Ready Now
The program for Faculty Development Day, scheduled for Tuesday, May 7, is now available through the Committee on Teaching and Scholarship. To save paper, the committee encourages faculty to download a copy of the program in advance so they can use it to orient themselves between sessions using their mobile devices. A limited number of […]