Join the Garaventa Center on Thursday, October 26, for a free lecture, “Santa Muerte: The Fastest Growing New Religious Movement in the Americas,” at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. In his talk, Virginia Commonwealth University professor R. Andrew Chesnut will shine a light on the controversial Mexican folk saint of death and her skyrocketing popularity. Chesnut holds the Bishop Walter F. Sullivan Chair and is professor of religious studies at VCU. He is a regular news commentator on religious affairs and writes a blog for The Huffington Post. For ADA accommodations or more information: x7702 or
Garaventa Center
UP Muslim Prayer Room: Did You Know?
Did you know about the University’s Muslim Prayer Room? Since the 1990s UP has provided a prayer space for Muslims in the lower level of Christie Hall. The room may be accessed through the international student services office from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and is open to all members of the University community. Students, staff, or faculty who would like to use the room outside of these times may go to international student services and ask for after-hours access.
The “Did you know?” series comes to you as an initiative of the Garaventa Center and Campus Ministry, intended to broaden awareness of spiritual development opportunities on the University campus. Look for more in the weeks to come.
Daily Mass on Campus: Did You Know?
Did you know about daily Mass? Daily Mass is offered Monday through Friday at 12:05 p.m. in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Participating can be a wonderful way to give thanks, receive God’s grace and strength, offer prayers for those in need, and root your day in God’s ever-present love and life.
The “Did you know” series comes to you as an initiative of the Garaventa Center and Campus Ministry, intended to broaden awareness of spiritual development opportunities on the University campus. Look for more in the weeks to come.
“A Dangerous Woman” with Eileen Markey, Oct. 10
Investigative journalist Eileen Markey will offer a free lecture, “A Dangerous Woman: Faith, Politics and the Assassination of Sr. Maura Clarke,” on Tuesday, October 10, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. In her talk, Markey (pictured) chronicles the spiritual and political journey that led Maryknoll Sister Maura Clarke to a Cold War martyrdom in El Salvador in 1980. Hosted by the Garaventa Center. For ADA accommodations or more information:
“Appropriate” Pre-Play Panel and Reception, Oct. 7
All ticket holders to the Saturday, October 7 performance of Appropriate are invited to enjoy a wine, cheese, and dessert reception as a panel of experts highlight production details and intriguing themes, courtesy of the Garaventa Center starting at 6:15 p.m. with panel at 6:45. For theater tickets call x7287. For ADA accommodations or more information:
Did You Know about Chapel Availability?
The Chapel of Christ the Teacher is open from 6:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m., according to Rev. James Gallagher, C.S.C., Campus Ministry. While there are some scheduled events that happen in the Chapel, much of the time it is available to all members of the campus community for quiet prayer and reflection. If you need a bit of quiet time, consider spending that time in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher.
This first installment of the “Did you know” series comes to you as an initiative of the Garaventa Center and Campus Ministry, intended to broaden awareness of spiritual development opportunities on the University campus. Look for more in the weeks to come.
“Catholics, Communists, and US-Cuban Relations” with Blair Woodard, Oct. 5
Blair Woodard of the UP history department will offer a lecture, “An Iconography of Enemies: Catholics, Communists, and US-Cuban Relations,” on Thursday, October 5, at 7:15 p.m., in Franz Hall room 120. In his talk, Woodard will examine the fifty-year war of images between the U.S. and Cuba and the role of the Catholic Church within this visual diplomacy. The event is free and open to all, and is sponsored by the Garaventa Center. For ADA accommodations or more information contact the center at x7702 or
2017 Red Mass, Sept. 18
The Garaventa Center invites all faculty and staff to this year’s Red Mass, which celebrates those entrusted with the law in our nation, on Monday, September 18, at 5:30 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. The Mass is also open to the public. University president Rev. Mark L. Poorman, C.S.C., will be the principal celebrant and Rev. Gerry Olinger, C.S.C. university relations, will offer the homily.
The Red Mass is an ancient tradition in the Catholic Church, going back to medieval times, wherein the Holy Spirit is invoked at the beginning of the legal season to guide all those administer the law. The red vestments worn by the priests symbolize the Holy Spirit who descended on the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire on Pentecost and whose wisdom is implored to guide the Church and the Nation.
For ADA accommodations or more information: or x7702.
2017 Zahm Lecture in American Catholic Education, Sept. 6
The 2017 Zahm Lecture in American Catholic Education will take place on Wednesday, September 6, at 7:15 p.m., in Buckley Center Auditorium. Christine Firer Hinze, PhD, Professor of Christian Ethics at Fordham University, will present “Against the Grain: Could Zeal for Solidarity be UP’s Gift for our Fractious Time?” The Zahm Lecture is free and open to all.
Drawing from the Holy Cross legacy in dialogue with modern Catholic social thought, Firer Hinze proposes that zeal for solidarity may offer a frame for education in faith sorely needed in today’s world. Firer Hinze is Director of the Curran Center for American Catholic Studies at Fordham University. Her teaching and research focus on foundational and applied ethical issues, with special emphasis on the dynamics of social transformation, Catholic social thought, and economic and work justice for women, families, and vulnerable groups. Her recent publications include Glass Ceilings and Dirt Floors: Women, Work, & the Global Economy (2015), and essays in Theological Studies, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, Proceedings of the Catholic Theological Association of America, and The Journal of Catholic Social Thought.
The Zahm Lecture in American Catholic Education was established in 1999 to honor Rev. John Zahm, C.S.C., an eminent Holy Cross priest and scientist of the late 19th and early 20th century. Zahm, superior of the Holy Cross in America when the University was founded in 1901, contributed counsel, money, and Holy Cross men to the nascent University. The Zahm lecture honors both his memory and the legacy of Holy Cross priests and brothers on The Bluff by addressing important issues surrounding American Catholic education.
For more information or ADA accommodations, contact Sarah Nuxoll, Garaventa Center, at 7702 or, or visit the Zahm Lecture website here.
An Evening with the Music of David Haas, Sept. 8
Join us for a concert by renowned liturgical musician David Haas on Friday, September 8 at 7 p.m. in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. The concert is free and open to all, with a reception to follow. Haas is the composer of sacred favorites “We are Called,” “You are Mine,” “Blest are They” and many more beloved hymns, as well as his latest collection, God Never Tires. David’s music appears in many hymnals and anthologies for numerous Christian denominations around the world, and he presents workshops, retreats, and concerts at parish events and national conferences throughout the country and worldwide. A collaboration by the Garaventa Center and Campus Ministry.
For more information or ADA accommodations, contact the Garaventa Center at 7702 or, or visit the website here.