Join us in praying with the Stations of the Cross through the lens of the migrant experience. According to tradition “La Via Dolorosa” in Jerusalem is the place where Jesus took his last steps towards Mt. Calvary or “El Calvario.” Reliving this Way of the Cross is a way of entering more deeply into the […]
Chapel of Christ the Teacher
Ash Wednesday Masses, March 6
Ash Wednesday is the starting date for Lent, the liturgical season of preparation for Easter. This year Ash Wednesday falls on March 6. Even though this is during spring break, Mass will offered on March 6 at 12:05 p.m. and at 4:45 p.m. in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. All are welcome.
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, Chapel of Christ the Teacher
Ash Wednesday services will take place on Wednesday, February 14, at 12:05 p.m. and 4:45 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. All are welcome to celebrate the beginning of the 2018 Lenten Season. For more information contact Campus Ministry at x7131 or
Did You Know about Chapel Availability?
The Chapel of Christ the Teacher is open from 6:30 a.m. until 11:30 p.m., according to Rev. James Gallagher, C.S.C., Campus Ministry. While there are some scheduled events that happen in the Chapel, much of the time it is available to all members of the campus community for quiet prayer and reflection. If you need […]
November Mass of Remembrance, Sunday, Nov. 13
During the month of November, the Church traditionally remembers our beloved departed. We pray for the souls of our family and friends and give thanks for how we were blessed by their lives. Here at UP, we celebrate a Mass of Remembrance for all of the deceased members of the University Community. In a particular way […]
Museum Blog Post: Chapel of Christ the Teacher 30th Anniversary
The icons of The Seat of Wisdom and of Christ the Teacher are often paired in religious tradition. On the UP campus they have been paired, doubled, and multiplied, creating a pattern net to challenge Robert Langdon/The DaVinci Code. The University of Portland Museum and Archives celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Chapel of Christ the […]
Annual Red Mass, Sept. 28: All are Invited
All members of the campus community are invited to attend the annual Red Mass on Wednesday, September 28, at 5:30 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Red is a traditional color associated with the Holy Spirit, and the Red Mass is celebrated each fall to honor and invoke the gifts of the Holy […]
Roof Construction On Chapel of Christ the Teacher
The roof of the Chapel of Christ the Teacher will be replaced beginning on Monday, June 13. Masses and other services will take place on their usual schedule: Sunday Mass, 10:30 a.m. Daily Mass (M-F) 12:05 p.m. Reconciliation: Wednesday 5-5:30 p.m. For more information contact Campus Ministry at 7131 or
Kick Off Year of Mercy With Campus Ministry, Jan. 17
Campus Ministry invites the UP community to help inaugurate Pope Francis’ Year of Mercy on Sunday, January 17, at the 10:30 a.m. and 9 p.m. Masses in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. The theme for the year is “Undoing the Knots.” Campus Ministry encourages all faculty, staff, and students to come to the chapel […]
A Campus Sanctuary
Campus chapels provide a place for private prayer and reflection, a space apart from the busy-ness of college life, integrated into the weave and pattern of campus life. For the latest update from the University archives and museum blog, see a brief post and photographs about the Chapel of Christ the Teacher, dedicated on October […]