It’s getting to be that time of the semester – projects are wrapping up, finals being taken, and there are crucial grades to be entered. This week’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative tip offers faculty a few helpful pointers for entering grades into Moodle. This short video offers three easy tips to make entering grades into […]
Ben Kahn
TLC Tip Of The Week: Grow Your PLN in 2016
This week, the Teaching and Learning Collaborative offers faculty a #uptechtip on creating a personal learning network, or PLN, using online tools such as Twitter (it’s not just for kids!). Treat yourself to a coffee break and head on over to the TLC blog using this link for a short and fun article with ideas […]
New Tech Talk Podcasts
This week from the Teaching and Learning Collaborative: Shiley School of Engineering professors Tammy VanDeGrift and Niki Schulz appeared on the UP Tech Talk podcast to discuss their experiences using instructional media to “flip” the classroom and create active learning opportunities during class sessions. Go to the TLC blog to stream, download, or subscribe to […]
Moodle training and drop-in hours
Academic Technology Services (ATS) have completed upgrades to UP’s Moodle environment. To support faculty with their Fall ’15 Moodle courses, ATS will be staffing drop-in lab hours for support and training. We will be available in Franz Hall 10 the week prior to classes starting and the first week of classes Monday to Thursday. Drop In Hours: Monday August 24 – Thursday, August 27 from […]
WordPress Wednesdays Start Feb. 18
Academic technology services will offer a new weekly lab to to help UP community members work on their WordPress sites. Starting Wednesday, Feb 18, come by the information services training lab in Franz Hall room 010 to get help with websites or blogs. Technicians will cover posts, pages, menus, widgets, headers, themes, and anything else […]