The University’s collegiate mission highlights service and leadership, and those tenets are demonstrated in the thousands of friendships which continue well beyond life after UP. One group of friends, Upsilon Omega Pi, has stood rock solid for 65 years, surviving even the demise of campus fraternities in the early 1990s. To commemorate Upsilon Omega Pi’s […]
University Museum
New Display, Blog Post: 2016 Retiring University Faculty
The University archives and museum have added a new blog post featuring the six UP faculty members who are retiring at the end of this school year. Visit this link for a slideshow of the honored retirees and see how they’ve changed over the years. To complement the blog post, the museum also has a […]
New Museum Blog Post: “Pomp and Conga Lines”
The dual 2016 Commencement exercises on Sunday May 1 allow expanded ticket opportunities and seating for friends and family of our distinguished graduates. Thanks are in line, too, for the unsung faculty marshals tasked with helping to maintain order and a brisk pace for commencements through the years. See the latest blog post and photos from past […]
In Memory of Manuel Macias, 1929-2016
The University Museum has created two displays to honor the memory of emeritus professor of Spanish Manuel Macias, who passed away on March 19, 2016. Please visit and remember him by viewing items in the Buckley Center first floor display case across from the studies abroad office. See photos and memorabilia donated by Macias to […]
From Lunch Room to Night Club?
As the spring semester rushes towards its end and blossoms erupt on the University campus, students seek a variety of respites from a multitude of perceived ills. Read about pub life at the renovated Pilot House, the new on-campus late night hangout for course review and other friendly maintenance activities. Pilot House/Cove incarnations are documented […]
UP Trivia/Bar Bets: NCAA or NAIA? First National Title Revisited
The game of Trivia aims to be precise; bar bets often take the form of tricks that fudge and fuddle. So, exploiting that ambiguity: when challenged with the question, “Which is UP’s first National Championship?,” you need to decide: NCAA or NAIA. In either case, it is the women’s athletic programs bringing UP the glory. […]
Déjà Vu All Over Again?
The nameless mud-pit at the corner of Portsmouth and Willamette is an active construction site, where hope and planning declare a new residence hall will emerge in time for the next school year. Sure, faith is important at a Catholic university, but consider an equally ambitious building project from 50 years ago. Will history repeat? […]
UP Trivia/Bar Bets: National Titles and Honors
Other than UP’s Gold-Star attendance record for home soccer games, and being all-round good sports, have Portland Pilot teams earned any national titles and distinction? The answer to this question celebrates a special 10-year anniversary this month for one of our athletic teams. The UP Trivia/Bar Bets series tells the University of Portland Story by […]
New Museum Displays: Women’s Soccer Champs, KDUP
The University museum invites faculty and staff to view two new displays, according to Carolyn Connolly, museum coordinator. 2005 National Women’s Soccer Championship: Celebrate the 10 year anniversary (December 4) of the second national championship for UP women’s soccer. Pictures and articles are available for viewing on the display board in the basement hallway of […]
UP Trivia/Bar Bets: Hanging Up the Pads
UP Trivia/Bar Bets is a new series which provides ready-references from the University archives and museum to frequently asked questions about the elements, characters, and events that make up the University of Portland story. What do inquiring minds want to know? Ask us! In our first entry we wrote about football on the Bluff. We […]