Starting a new fiscal year is also an opportunity to reflect on the previous year. In that spirit, we invite you to view our 2016 – 2017 Annual Report. We also have plans brewing for the year ahead including developing a gallery space, creating thematic book displays, starting an Information Ethics project through a Dundon-Berchtold Grant, and launching more online tutorials and libguides.
Clark Library: Summer Instruction
Teaching this summer? As you plan for summer courses, remember the librarians are here and available to provide library instruction. We can tailor the content covered, as well as create course guides, to support your students in their academic research and projects. To schedule a class meeting, please contact Stephanie Michel, library, at x7418 or
Clark Library: Exam Week and Commencement Weekend
Library hours are extending during exam week and students have a “Find Your Zone” option where they can choose to be in a quiet study zone or collaborative zone as they wrap up their spring semester studies. Earplugs and headphones are also available at the Service Desk.
Library hours change again at the end of the week (full schedule). The building closes at 5 p.m. on Friday, but reopens on the weekend for limited hours. This year we will also open on Sunday from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., to welcome visiting families and others who explore campus on the day of Commencement.
Clark Library Photography Exhibit Finalists
We are pleased to announce the selected photographs for the Clark Library Juried Photography Exhibit. There were over 250 entries and the jury narrowed the field to twelve, which you can preview online. These photographs will be installed in the library soon, and on display for two years. Congratulations to our talented student, staff, and faculty photographers!
Medieval Manuscripts on Display in Clark Library to March 17
Discover the past and visit the Clark Library to see medieval manuscripts from the 12th through 15th centuries. These fragile items are stored in Special Collections, but a selection of them will be on display for public viewing from March 1 though March 17 in the Library lobby. They were recently restored by a professional conservator and include works from Saint Anthony of Egypt; Hugo of Saint Victor; Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris; and Pope Saint Gregory the Great. The entire collection was also digitized by the Library and can be viewed online in the Medieval Manuscripts Digital Collection.
Enter Your Photos by February 24: Clark Library Photography Exhibit
This contest is open to current UP staff and faculty, as well as students. Photos can be from any place and any time. Each entrant can submit up to five photographs and it’s easy to submit them online. The winners will be displayed in the juried photography exhibit on the Library’s second floor. This exhibit showcases fine art photography and is refreshed every two years.
TLC Tip of the Week: Creating Engaging Media Assignments
Faculty members who are interested in having students use video, design, or audio tools in their classrooms can visit the Digital Lab and schedule a consultation and collaborate on a multimedia assignment, according to Jose Velazco, Clark Library. The Digital Lab provides instruction on software, loans, equipment, and will work one-to-one with faculty to create engaging assignments meeting curricular goals and offering professional development opportunities for students.
Visit the lab’s Faculty page to view sample assignments.
To arrange a consultation, contact Velazco at
Digital Lab: Spring Workshops
Curious about 3D Printing? Take an introductory workshop this week in the Clark Library’s Digital Lab. Other workshops this week include Resume Design and Website Design. Workshops are free and open to UP students, staff, and faculty. Register online and claim a spot.
Read UP Discussion Group: Jan. 31
Scheduling Library Sessions for Spring Semester
Ending one year leads to planning for the next! Now is a great time to schedule library instruction before the calendar fills up. Librarians collaborate with faculty to tailor sessions to students’ research needs. Classes typically meet in the Clark Library’s classroom on the upper floor. To request instruction, please email preferred dates and times, along with course number, to Stephanie Michel, Clark Library, at