The open enrollment period for UP employees started on Tuesday, November 5, and concludes on Tuesday, December 3, ending at 4 p.m., according to Andy Sherwood, human resources. This will be your opportunity to make changes to your plan choices, review the dependents you have covered, and sign up for a medical or dependent care […]
2013 UP Wellness Fair
The human resources office is planning their third year of hosting a UP Wellness Fair. It will take place in the Terrace Room on Wednesday, November 6, from 10 a.m to 1 p.m. Representatives from Kaiser Permanente, dental, vision, flexible spending, local consumer supported agriculture (CSA) providers, local wellness centers approved through the UP Kaiser […]
Celebrate Thirst Fridays
The Garaventa Center celebrates its move to the Corrado Reading Room (330 Franz) by inviting all faculty and staff to join them for “Thirst Fridays” this autumn. Stop by any time from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Friday, October 25 and Friday, December 6 to enjoy wine, sparkling waters, snacks, and sparkling, convivial conversation with […]
Employee Kickball Extravaganza!
All UP employees, both faculty and staff, are welcome to take part in the second Employee Kickball Extravaganza on Thursday, October 17, at 4:30 p.m., on the Shipstad Quad, according to Mary Beebe and Joe Kuffner, marketing and communications. What better way to celebrate the fall break but with some muddy kickball? Come rain or […]
Promotion For Bryce Strang
J. Bryce Strang has been promoted to senior associate vice president for development, effective immediately. He will also become a member of the President’s Leadership Cabinet. Since 2003, Strang has been a vital member of the University of Portland and a critical and successful leader within the university relations division. He oversees the philanthropic endeavors […]
Jud Newborn, Zahm Lecture
Renowned author and cultural anthropologist Jud Newborn will deliver the Zahm Lecture, the keynote address for the University of Portland’s academic year, on Thursday, October 10, at 7:30 p.m., in Buckley Center Auditorium. Newborn’s presentation, “Speaking Truth to Power,” is about heroes in the fight for human rights in the present day, and highlights the […]
Nondiscrimination Statement
Among the many topics discussed by the regents and officers of the University during their recent meeting was the University’s legal nondiscrimination statement. As a statute of the University of Portland, the Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy may be changed or amended only if the proposed changes or amendments are presented and discussed at the […]
Jim Lyons Farewell Party
Please join the University Relations Division as we wish our friend and colleague Jim Lyons a fond farewell as he leaves his University of Portland family after an amazingly successful 16 years on the Bluff. His party will take place on Monday, October 7, from 3 to 4 p.m., in the Terrace Room. For more […]
MAT Informational Meeting
Faculty, staff and students are invited to a master of arts in teaching (MAT) informational on Monday, October 7, at 6 p.m., in the Franz Hall Murphy conference room. The MAT is an intensive program designed to prepare individuals with baccalaureate degrees for teaching in K-12 schools. Graduates earn a masters degree and are eligible […]
Annual Security Report
On September 30, 2013, in compliance with the Campus Crime Reporting Act and the amended Higher Education Opportunity Act, the University of Portland’s Annual Security Report was published and made available to all members of the University community, and to prospective students and employees. The report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning reported […]