On Saturday, August 30, University of Portland first-year students will be uniquely immersed in the three hallmarks of our University: Teaching and Learning, Faith and Formation, and Service and Leadership. Faculty and staff members are asked to consider being a part of this endeavor by participating in the ninth annual Building Community: Serving to Learn […]
Hiring For Fall Semester
All student supervisors need to make sure each of their student employees is officially on the department’s payroll before allowing students to begin working for fall semester, according to Emily Baumbach, financial aid. All new student employees must submit a completed referral form to financial aid before their first day on the job. New student […]
Public Safety office blessing and open house, August 15
All faculty and staff are invited to the Office of Public Safety blessing and open house on Friday, August 15, at 2:30 p.m. in Haggerty Hall 100. The Office of Public Safety moved across the street from their original location in May. For more information about the open house, please contact Public Safety at 7161 […]
Prestigious Nursing Award for Susan Stillwell
Susan Stillwell, associate dean for graduate programs in the School of Nursing, has been recognized as the 2014 recipient of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Excellence Award, presented to one nursing educator annually by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The award recognizes a faculty member who systematically investigates questions related to […]
School of Education MAT Informational, August 18
Faculty, staff and students are invited to a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Informational on Monday, August 18, at 6 p.m. in Franz Hall Murphy Room (room 426). The MAT is an intensive program designed to prepare individuals with baccalaureate degrees for teaching in K-12 schools. MAT graduates earn a master’s degree and are […]
Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a holy day of obligation for Catholics, will be celebrated in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher on Thursday, August 14, at 4:45 p.m. and Friday, August 15, at 12:05 p.m. All are invited. For more information contact campus ministry at 7131 or ministry@up.edu.
TIAA-CREF Counselor on Campus August 14
TIAA-CREF investment counselor Preston Watts will be on campus for individual financial counseling sessions with employees on Thursday, August 14, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sessions will be held in the Orrico Hall room 101. Go to www.tiaa-cref.org/schedulenow or call TIAA-CREF at (877) 842-2028, press 5 to schedule a one hour-long appointment. For more […]
List Jobs Now, Please
The fall/spring academic year hiring period begins on August 15, according to Emily Baumbach, financial aid. Over the next weeks, hundreds of students will be checking the online job board to find a job for fall semester. Listing job openings on the online job board is the most efficient way to ensure departments get the […]
Annual Graduate Business Social, August 19
The Pamplin School of Business will host its annual Graduate Business Social on Tuesday, August 19, from 6 to 8 p.m., at BridgePort Brewery, 1313 NW Marshall Street. This annual event brings together current graduate business students, faculty, and alumni to get to know one another and enjoy craft beer and food pairings provided by […]
Say Cheese, Please
A professional photo shoot for new faculty and employees or those who would like to update their headshot photos will be on Tuesday, August 19, from 8 a.m. to noon, in Shiley Hall Vollum Study Room on the second floor. Photo sessions should take no more than five minutes. To make an appointment, e-mail mktg@up.edu […]