University of Portland regent and longtime benefactor Amy Dundon-Berchtold passed away on Monday, March 16. A visionary real estate entrepreneur and investor, Amy, along with her husband Jim Berchtold ’63, gave generously to the University of Portland. In 2011, Amy and Jim created the Dundon-Berchtold Institute for Moral Formation and Applied Ethics, which offers classes, […]
Please Check for Coronavirus Resources, FAQs
All faculty and staff are asked to please remember that the University is uploading Coronavirus resources and FAQs at and in the Human Resources section of PilotsUP.
#PilotsGive Has Been Postponed, But Watch for #PilotsGiveBack!
In light of growing concerns around Covid-19, development has made the difficult decision to postpone #PilotsGive, originally scheduled for April 1-2 , until a future date. For the last two years, #PilotsGive has been a truly special occasion, bringing together worthy causes on campus with supportive donors from the greater Pilot community. We look forward […]
New Shiley School of Engineering Dean: Brian Fabien
Following a comprehensive search, the University of Portland has named Dr. Brian Fabien as the new dean of the Donald P. Shiley School of Engineering, effective July 1. Fabien joins UP from the University of Washington in Seattle, where he was most recently associate dean of academic affairs for the College of Engineering and professor […]
A Women’s First in Engineering
Religious sisters have been part of life on The Bluff since the early days of the University, as caretakers, students, and professors. While most student-nuns enrolled in nursing and education courses, one did not, opting instead to enroll in an engineering course. The story of this nun and her interesting background is the subject of […]
UP Writing Center Offering Virtual Writing Assistance
The UP Writing Center has transitioned to an online/virtual service for as long as classes are not meeting in person. Writing assistants have completed training on using MS Teams for videoconferences, and the Writing Center Scheduler has been updated to indicate to students seeking writing assistance that their conferences will now be virtual rather than […]
Online Teaching Resources: Navigating Online Learning
As our campus community continues to navigate the transition to online learning, the Academic Technology Services and Innovation team would like to take a moment to highlight some great resources for getting more familiar with our online instruction tools. Introduction to UP Moodle Guides Take Five: Online Synchronous Sessions For additional resources or help with […]
New UP Virtual Programming & Activities Resource
Student activities has launched the University of Portland’s Virtual Programming and Activities page for people who are looking for something to do, thanks to the efforts of Samantha Trunkett. From National Park tours to the KDUP Live Stream, there are many things that people can use to pass the time. Please use this link to open […]
AV Services Office: Online Collaboration Available
Beginning March 23, the AV Services office in BC 018 has reduced staffing and will close daily at 5 p.m. However, AV Services staff remain available to assist you by phone (x7774), email (, or video chat (via Teams) during all of our regular hours: Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Friday, 8 a.m. to […]
Learning Commons Online Resources: Encourage Students to Utilize Peer Tutors
The Learning Commons is now running all programs online, and student usage is up from the first week of online instruction, according to director Jeffrey White. By encouraging your students to connect with a peer tutor, you might help them to connect more deeply to learning and studying online while engaging socially with our peer […]