Laura McLary and her German 408 students invite all faculty, staff, and students to attend a performance of Ödön von Horváth’s Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald (Tales from the Vienna Woods), on Saturday, December 10, at 7 p.m., in the Blair Studio in Mehling Hall. The performance is free and open to all.
Written in 1931, von Horváth’s play comes from the tradition of the Volksstück, a play for the common people that ends with a moral. As you watch von Horváth’s modern take on the Volksstück, observe how the play comes to terms with the role of the individual in the family and in male-female relationships and identifies the sources of social pressures and hypocrisy. What is the moral of this tale from the Vienna Woods? The play will be presented completely in German.
For more information contact McLary at x7255 or