The Baccalaureate Mass will be held in the Chiles Center on Saturday, May 2, at 5 p.m., according to Theresa McCreary, Campus Ministry. As a result, there will be no Masses in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher on Sunday, May 3. For more information contact Campus Ministry at 7131 or
Campus Ministry
Easter Triduum Services
Campus Ministry will offer the following Easter Triduum liturgies in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher this week: Holy Thursday: April 2, 4:30 p.m., Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday: April 3, 3 p.m., Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday: April 4, 8:30 p.m., Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday: April 5, 10:30 a.m., […]
Final Visio Divina of Lent, April 1
All members of the University community are invited to participate in the final session of Visio Divina this Wednesday, April 1, in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Visio Divina offers a chance to enter into a deep silence and simply be present, using an image from The Saint John’s Bible as a focal point. […]
Campus Wide Stations Of The Cross, March 31
Campus Wide Stations of the Cross will begin in the Bell Tower Plaza on Tuesday, March 31, at 7 p.m. Participants will walk to stations of the cross around campus for liturgical readings and prayer, and will end at the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. For more information contact Campus Ministry at 7131 or
Father Thomas C. Oddo, C.S.C., Memorial Scholarship
Shortly after his untimely death in 1989, University of Portland president Rev. Thomas C. Oddo, C.S.C., was memorialized by faculty, staff, students, and friends with the establishment of an endowed scholarship fund named after him. Every year the University awards scholarship funds in Fr. Oddo’s name to one or two students who meet a set […]
Lenten Reconciliation Service, March 24
Campus Ministry will offer Lenten reconciliation service on Tuesday, March 24, at 7 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. All are welcome to take part. For more information contact Campus Ministry at 7131 or
Simple Soup Supper, March 27
The Servant Leadership Team will host a soup supper on Friday, March 27, at 5 p.m., in St. Mary’s Student Center Lounge. All are welcome to join the team for a simple meal and a reflection led by Fr. Charlie Gordon, C.S.C. Donations will be accepted to support Holy Cross missions. For more information contact […]
Stations Of The Cross, Fridays During Lent
All are welcome to join Campus Ministry for the Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 27, at 4:30 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. Stations of the Cross is an ancient devotion of the Church in which Catholics walk through the events of the passion and death of Jesus Christ. It is […]
Memorial Mass For Michael Eberitzsch, March 17
A memorial Mass for Michael Eberitzsch II, a member of the Class of 2016 who died in an automobile accident on March 6, will take place on Tuesday, March 17, at 4:45 p.m., in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher. All University community members are welcome to attend the service. Please continue to keep Michael […]
Feast Of Saint Joseph Mass, March 19
Thursday, March 19, is the Feast of Saint Joseph, the patronal feast of the Holy Cross Brothers, according to Theresa McCreary, Campus Ministry. Mass will be celebrated in the Chapel of Christ the Teacher at 5 p.m. All are welcome to attend. Campus Ministry will also offer Lenten Reconciliation Service on Tuesday, March 24, at […]