Four University of Portland students, under the team name Competitive Pilot Accountants, placed first in the national AICPA (American Institute of CPAs) Accounting Competition out of 145 teams. The University of Portland team, which won $10,000 its their first place finish, was one of three teams nationwide to be invited to Washington, D.C. as finalists […]
Expanded Sick Leave Availability
As of January 1, the University of Portland is extending sick leave to student employees and any faculty and staff members not previously covered, according to Eric Barger, controller. Student employees and hourly staff working less than half-time will now earn one hour of sick leave for every 30 hours worked (with a maximum bank […]
Fr. Jim Lies, Fr. Mark Poorman Named as UP Presidential Candidates
On September 27, 2013, University president Rev. E. William Beauchamp, C.S.C. announced his intention to end his term at the conclusion of the 2013-2014 academic year. The process has begun to name a successor to Fr. Beauchamp as the next president of the University of Portland. Fourteen members of the University of Portland community have been asked to serve […]
Scheduling Library Sessions for Spring Courses
As faculty members prepare for the spring semester, now is a great time to schedule library instruction for the best choice of dates and times. Librarians will work with professors to tailor sessions to students’ research needs. Classes will meet in the classroom on the second floor of the library. The library can provide laptops, […]
Next UP HIVE Event, Jan. 8
The next UP HIVE Alumni Network event will be “How to Become a Thought Leader,” on Wednesday, January 8, at Ziba Design (1044 Northwest 9th Avenue, Portland, OR 97209). All are welcome to join UP alumni for an evening of networking and learning. The event will begin at 6:15 p.m. with refreshments and light appetizers; please […]
Clark Library Sets New Records
The Clark Library set new records for numbers of people in the building every month during fall semester, according to Diane Sotak, library. On average, building use was higher than previous years by 73 percent. The 19 group study rooms were in high demand as well, with an average of 3,000 people using them per […]
Teaching Circles Workshop, Jan. 9
The Teaching & Learning Collaborative and the associate provost invite all faculty to participate in a one-hour workshop on using Teaching Circles on Thursday, January 9, 9:30-10:30 a.m., in Buckley Center room 163. Teaching circles are a promising practice for understanding what is going on pedagogically in one’s classroom and can take many forms. Colleagues […]
Library Holiday Break Hours
During the University’s holiday break the Clark Library will be open on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., but closed on weekends and December 24 through January 1. Please note that the Digital Lab will only be open by appointment during the weekdays. Contact José Velazco at or 7602 to make an appointment. […]
Course Packs Due, Please
All faculty and instructors must turn in their course pack materials to the printing services office before leaving campus at the end of fall semester, according to Kassie Hansen, printing services. The lead time is needed so printing services staff can obtain copyright permissions and organize the packs for production before the start of the […]
From Our Past
A number of the University’s legendary Holy Cross fathers have passed away over the years during the month of December, including: Fr. Arthur Schoenfeldt, C.S.C., died on December 9, 2007 at Holy Cross House in Notre Dame, Indiana. He was 77 years old. Known to students, alumni, faculty, and staff alike as “Padre,” Fr. Schoenfeldt […]