Are you a new faculty or staff member who has not yet had their professional photo taken for the UP directory? The Office of Marketing and Communications has scheduled a professional photographer for photos, Wednesday, January 25. Please email Suzanne Frey at to schedule a five-minute headshot session.
Nominations for the 2023 Teaching Award and Scholarship Award (Due Jan. 23)
The Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS) is enthusiastically accepting nominations for the 2023 Teaching Award and Scholarship Award. Self-nominate or nominate someone by sending a simple “I nominate X person” to by January 23. Nominees will be contacted, and their supporting materials will be due March 20. Visit the Teaching and Scholarship Awards […]
Work Life Integration—Designing a Meaningful Career
The Center for Teaching and Learning and the Faculty Welfare Committee invite all faculty and staff to participate in an interactive workshop on work-life integration on Wednesday, January 11, from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Franz 120. Faculty and staff are the most prized and creative assets of any higher education institution. Yet over […]
Spring 2023 Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research Recipients; Summer Applications (Due Feb. 15)
The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce recipients of the Spring 2023 Provost’s Initiative for Undergraduate Research awards, representing all five schools at UP! These faculty members have been selected to collaborate with and mentor an undergraduate on a co-designed research experience during the 2023 spring semester: Application for summer 2023 Provost’s Initiative […]
New to The Bluff: Introducing 2022-2023 New Faculty Members
This week, the Office of the Provost is pleased to introduce the following new faculty members: Mihail Iordanov, Visiting Instructor, Biology Major Robert Murphy, Assistant Professor of Military Science, Army ROTC Gilna Samuel, Assistant Professor of Finance, Pamplin School of Business Kim Vermilya, Visiting Clinical Teaching Associate, School of Nursing and Health Innovations Visit the […]
Prepping for Spring! Library Course Reserves and Instruction
Get some of your spring semester prep out of the way! Library staff are ready to set up course reserves for your spring classes. Course reserves can be online or print items and films you wish to make available to your students. We also help you with copyright screening and scan materials to meet accessibility standards. […]
Fall 2022 Butine Faculty Development Fund Award Recipients
On behalf of the Committee on Teaching and Scholarship (TAS), committee chair Patrick Murphy announces the recipients of the Fall 2022 Butine Faculty Development Fund Awards. Sherry Abbasi, Engineering, 11th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, $2,000.00 Simon Aihiokhai, Theology, Black Catholic Theological Symposium, $1,980.86 Mohammad Arbabian, Business, 2022 DSI Annual Conference, $1,750.00 Christina […]
The Fall Edition of Writers Magazine is Available
The fall edition of UP’s student-run creative writing journal Writers can be accessed at this link. Undergraduates from across campus have contributed their written and visual work to this edition, built around the theme of Eroticism. Writers magazine comes out every semester, with an online edition in fall and a print edition in spring (launched […]
REMINDER: Please Unplug Holiday Lighting Before Break
Please make sure to unplug your holiday lighting, decorations, and space heaters before you leave campus for winter break.
Just In Time Leadership–New Leadership Program Offered for Faculty and Staff this Spring!
The Leadership Program within the Franz Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation is offering a new program during the Spring Semester called Just In Time Leadership, which provides opportunities for UP faculty and staff to deepen their learning on contemporary leadership issues and build community through facilitated small group conversations. Space is limited to 15 […]